Monday, September 15, 2003

End hearings so Senate can focus on other "important matters"

Bel Olivares Cunanan suggested in her column that the Senate should suspend or end the Pidal hearings because this Ping Lacson expose is nothing but politicking and grandstanding on the part of the opposition:

The question is, where do the hearings go from here? Obviously the intention of the opposition is political: it wants the hearings to continue in order to fry Mike and Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and introducing "remedial legislation" is secondary. The opposition is also trying to buy time for Lacson as he fishes for more evidence.

Yeah. This Pidal hearing is nothing but "POLITICS, POLITICS, POLITICS". Instead of more Pidal hearings, Ms. Cunanan wants the Senate to focus more on other "important matters of national interest" like this one and not be distracted anymore by this Pidal matter.

Yeah. Let's end the Pidal hearings now so we can spend more time focusing on Lacson's "involvement" with narco-politics, kidnapping, money-laundering... etc.



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