Thursday, October 16, 2003

Arno Sanidad

I watched the Dong Puno Live show last thursday, where the topic was about the Kuratong Baleleng case. The guest on Dong's panel that day included Lito Banayo, Frank Chavez, Mon Tulfo, one of the Fortun lawyers working for Lacson, a USEC DOJ secretary and Reynaldo Wycoco.

The show was doing okay and was kinda entertaining until Mr. Arno Sanidad, one of the original guest that backed out at the last minute, called in to whine about Lito Banayo. He was complaining about something Mr. Banayo said about him.

Frankly, I was watching the whole show and never did I hear anything Banayo said that was outrageous or offensive to Mr. Sanidad. Overreacting lang si Arno. Banayo did not say anything that would warrant that a phone call from arno on the show berating him (w/ mock anger pa-effect).

Sinabi lang ni banayo na bakit sobrang concerned si Arno sa kuratong baleleng case when there were other human rights cases that deserved equal or more attention. Where's the slam or "dis" from banayo there?

Besides, Arno Sanidad was invited to Dong Puno's show but he chose not to participate. Sabi niya hindi raw niya style yung pumunta sa tv shows at pagusapan ang kaso na hinahawakan niya... na he's just a private person that doesn't want the spotlight.

But lo and behold, I saw Arno Sanidad on 2 government controlled stations 4 days later talking about KB (one on Jarius Bondoc's show, the other on ch. 9). Aba, akalo ko ba ayaw niya ng too much attention at publicity? akala ko ba sa korte na lang raw niya idi-discuss ang Kuratong case?

What a PHONY!

BTW, this arno sanidad was also chavit singson's laywer vs. erap and was the one who handled Ador Mawanay and prepared his affidavit. So make no mistake about this guy, he is an anti-erap, anti-lacson partisan. Arno claims he's a "human rights" lawyer. But Joker Arroyo's a "human rights" lawyer too and we all know what a HYPOCRITE he is. I guess hindi na masyadong kahanga-hanga ang "human rights" lawyer tag unlike before. Nowadays, he only helps those who are "victims" of Mrs. Arroyo's enemies, but he refuses to lend his support to those who are victimized by this corrupt administration or those who are perceived to be anti-GMA or not part of Edsa Dos.

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