Sunday, February 29, 2004

2 Lessons

If things remain the way they are, I expect FPJ to win the election in May -- unless GMA disqualifies him or cheats her way to victory.

And with FPJ's impending victory, 2 lessons will be learned -- one for the "civil society" types, the other for the masa voters.

First Lesson -- never oust a democratically elected president by unconstitutional means because the erap voters will only get angry and vote for another "erap endorsed" candidate just to get even and set things right again. Oh, and one other thing, it doesn't help that the replacement you foisted on us in Malacanang is much WORSE and MORE corrupt than her predecessor.

Second Lesson -- something the masa voters never realized because erap's term was aborted prematurely... that popular movie stars, basketball players and newsreaders are not exactly the best qualified candidates for the presidency.

The second lesson will only be learned by the masa voters AFTER they they get to experience the full 6 year term of the FPJ administration (the presumed winner). Instead of settling for somebody they know and trust, tataas na ang standards nila.

Instead of settling for the average, they will want something better... somebody more qualified and more experienced. Trust is still important, but it won't be the only factor anymore.

But they need to experience the full 6 year term of FPJ first before they will come to this realization.

Look, I voted for Roco the last election but I also accepted erap as my president when he won the election in 1998. I personally thought Erap did better than expected when he was president. Ang problema lang nga eh most of those friggin civil society types never respected the will of the voters in 98 and from day one did everything they can to undermine his presidency.

If these Cibil Society jerks only let erap finish his term in office, most of the masa voters will realize that erap is average at best and will want a new kind of leadership after experimenting with a former actor/mayor/senator/VP for president.

Instead of clammoring for another actor, they would be looking for somebody who possesses different qualities like a ping lacson.

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