Monday, March 29, 2004

Don't expect Unity if Al Queda attacks US before Nov. Polls

Conventional Wisdom #1: Any terrorist attack on US soil will benefit George W. Bush in the elections.

Conventional Wisdom #2: Any terrorist attack on US soil will only help unite Americans behind the President.

Normally, those 2 statements above would apply to this (or any previous) US election year.

But there is nothing ordinary about the upcoming elections in November.

The way democrats and the "mainstream media" are reacting to Bush now and slamming everything he does, I believe this election is going to be one of the most bitter, divisive and partisan ever. I've never seen anything like this before. Very highly-charged talaga ang political atmosphere sa US ngayon.

Especially the Left-leaning "mainstream media". The way "mainstream media" handled the Clarke affair (believing everything he says while ignoring the glaring inconsistencies) reveals a strong effort/bias on their part to help the Democrats oust Bush in November.

I am almost tempted to consider the Left (most Dems, "mainstream media") a "strategic enemy" on the WOT.

(Not all liberals are bad of course. There's Blair, Joe Lieberman and Zell Miller who are strongly pro-WOT.)

Now assuming for the sake of argument that the Dem party is unwittingly acting like the political wing of Al Queda, Can you imagine what would happen if the US were attacked by al queda ala Madrid before the elections (I believe there's a 95% chance of that happening)?

Hundreds or thousands dead I assume.

But don't be surprised if a day or two after the incident, a previously unheard-of Dem partisan "9/11" group springs out of nowhere and accuses the Bush administration of:

  1. failing to protect the american people

  2. provoking the terrorist because the US invaded Iraq

  3. manipulating the information on what really happened and who was responsible

"Mainstream media" then immediately picks their story and it immediately becomes BIG NEWS. There won't be enough time for the victims and the country to grieve because these groups will make a lot of noise and it will be amplified by the anti-bush media around the world.

Then the Dems and Kerry's surrogates come into the picture and back these "9/11" groups, accusing the administration of dereliction of duty, incompetence and coverups.

And all hell breaks loose.

Now, does the tactic sound familiar? Well, that's because it's the same one used by Zapatero and some of Spain's "Socialist party"-leaning media to manipulate the voters by accusing the government of lying and blaming Aznar (not the terrorists) for the Madrid bombings.

Because the Dems have chosen a "scorched-earth" policy in attacking the Bush admin, you can almost be certain that they would react the same way their left-leaning Spanish counterparts did during the aftermath of a terror attack.

And the Bush admin won't know what hit them.

A One-two combo. Al queda attacks first. Then the Democratic Party finishes the job for them in November.

Don't expect Americans to unite behind the prez after a horrific terror attack. Instead, watch as the US descend into "blame-game" and finger-pointing.

Al queda will step aside and gloat as the dems and republicans go after each others throats.

This elections season, don't expect Unity. Expect winning at all costs.

Expect "civil war". But I don't think it will be as bad as what Den Beste predicts will happen to the palestinians after the violent death of Sheik Yassin.

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