Sunday, April 11, 2004

Biased Mainstream Media

Den Beste has a long article on this issue. Ito naman ang comment ko...

Shouldn't somebody high-ranking in the military (like Kimmitt, Abizaid, Sanchez) or a high-profile moderate like Sen. John McCain say something or complain about the biased reporting in Iraq from the "mainstream media" reporters?

Maybe a few marines or soldiers currently involved in the fighting in Fallujah and other parts in Iraq can also issue similar complaints to the "embedded journalists" that are tagging along.

(Shouldn't use administration officials to do make this appeal though. "Mainstream media" will only turn on them.)

I'd like to see Gen. Kimmitt or Abizaid ask the media people to be more fair and more accurate in their news coverage in Iraq.

A marine being interviewed live can use the opportunity to ask the media to be more responsible and more balanced in their reporting.

Whether left-leaning "mainstrem media" will heed the appeal or not is beside the point. At least we need to get this issue out now so that the American public will be warned about what the see and hear in the news.


Den Beste said this:

The reason we were attacked in September of 2001 was because bin Laden believed we'd fold and surrender. He more or less expected America to respond the way the Spanish did after 3/11. Our enemies now understand that it won't be that easy, but they still hold out hope that eventually we'll lose our nerve.

It's not that they think the US is afraid of getting it's nose bloodied, but more like they don't believe the US has the stomach for more Iraqi civilian casualties.

That's why al-Sadr and his thugs continue to hide inside mosques and hospitals and use women and children as human shields.

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