Thursday, April 08, 2004

McCain bitchslaps Kennedy, KKK Byrd for calling Iraq "Vietnam"

Here's what Sen. Edward Kennedy said on Iraq and Bush:

"Iraq is George Bush's Vietnam, and this country needs a new president," Kennedy said, adding that by going to war, the United States had angered key US allies, made America "more hated in the world" and complicated the war on terrorism.

Other Dem Senators like Robert "KKK" Byrd, D-W.Va., said that he heard "echoes of Vietnam" after critics sharpened their calls for an "exit strategy" in Iraq.

OTOH, here's what Senator John McCain, a Vietnam vet and a moderate Republican, had to say about all this Vietnam talk:

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said those who call Iraq another Vietnam "either have forgotten or never learned the lessons" of that war.

"It's a totally false comparison, and I know something about Vietnam," said McCain, who spent more than five years as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam.

McCain counselled patience and adds this:

"Is this a difficult political problem?" Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona asked. "Yes. Is this a time to panic, to cut and run? No."

So what the Dems favorite Republican is saying can be summarized this way:

We cannot lose. We cannot leave. We could leave Vietnam and Somalia and Beirut. We cannot leave Iraq.

So, does John Kerry and future Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton agree with McCain?

Or do the agree more with Uncle Ted and KKK Byrd?

Since Hillary will be a future presidential candidate, it is important that we get her views NOW on these very important issues.

She should not be allowed to stay silent forever on this and we shouldn't make it easy for her anymore to "straddle the fence" on those controversial issues.

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