Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Raul Roco and John Kerry

While the pro-GMA attack machine like PDI are really piling on Raul Roco to either pressure him to quit or ruin him para mapunta kay GMA ang boto niya -- dito sa US naman, may isang leading presidential candidate rin ang tumatakbo sa pagka-presidente... even though he too has Prostate Cancer like Raul Roco.

His name is John Kerry.

WASHINGTON -- Sen. John F. Kerry, a Massachusetts Democrat, will undergo surgery Wednesday for early-stage prostate cancer that he insists won't impede his campaign for the 2004 Democratic presidential nomination.
Kerry, 59, held a late afternoon press conference Tuesday to announce his illness. The operation will take place at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and be performed by Dr. Patrick Walsh, chief of urology. The doctor plans to remove Kerry's prostate gland during a two-hour procedure. Kerry will be sedated via spinal anesthesia.

Kerry said he felt lucky that his cancer was detected at an early enough stage to be treated by surgery. His doctors predict he has a 95 percent chance of being cancer-free in a decade, a prognosis based on his early detection, he said.

"The reason I feel lucky is I'm going to be cured," he said.

He said he plans to be back home in Washington by Saturday and fully recovered within two weeks. The surgery will not slow down his campaign efforts, he said.

Meanwhile, tuloy ang laban versus corruption and Jose Pidal, sabi ni Roco.

PRESIDENTIAL candidate Raul Roco arrived in Manila at 11 a.m. to resume his campaign for the country’s highest post after going to the US to seek medical treatment.

In a press conference, Roco announced he is still running for president despite his illness. Roco said he has benign prostate cancer, which caused him to suffer chronic back pain for the past weeks. But Roco said his ailment is curable.

Roco said he will continue his bid for the presidency because he wants to give voters an alternative. He also said he wants to free the country from the clutches of poverty.

God Bless you, Raul Roco!

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