Saturday, April 24, 2004

Why FPJ should withdraw now and support Lacson

This Malaya editorial got it right.

THE Social Weather Stations yesterday reported that Gloria Arroyo has pulled ahead of Fernando Poe Jr. The finding came close on the heels of a similar survey by Pulse Asia showing the same trend.

Frankly, we not surprised by the findings. The campaign has exposed Poe. He is clueless; thus his incoherent mumblings. Who with a modicum of intelligence would take him for a serious choice for president?

Poe's presidential campaign is imploding. Barring a miracle, his bid for Malaca?ang is facing certain defeat.

Poe's surrogates have been sharpening their attacks against Arroyo since the Holy Week break. Apparently his handlers have finally realized their "manok" cannot win by simply waving his hands atop an open truck or delivering five minutes of boiler platers on a stage.

The issues against Arroyo are ordinarily sufficient to sink her. A faltering economy. Rampant criminality. Resurgent insurgencies. Unbounded corruption.

Poe should have carried the fight against Gloria on this terrain. What took place along the way was that Gloria seized the initiative, defining the election as a contest between competence and experience on one side, against mere popularity on the other.

Perhaps there is still time to return to the issue of Gloria's mismanagement and corruption. As we said the surrogates of Poe are stepping up their attacks. The question is why Poe himself is not leading the charge like the countless heroes he has played on the silver screen?

If he is unwilling or unable to play the opposition champion, he should seriously consider withdrawing. Panfilo Lacson was tilting with Gloria long before Poe entered the picture. He has been consistently drawing blood, not the least for his Jose Pidal expos?s. He is experienced and, in fact, the only candidate along with Raul Roco who can rightfully boast of solid achievements in the executive side of government service.

Only Lacson as the opposition unity candidate can throw Gloria into the defensive, which, given her dismal performance during the last three years, is rightfully where she belongs.

But we're talking logic, a commodity of which the Poe camp is woefully in short supply.


I'll add my comments to it later.

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