Saturday, May 15, 2004

Zell Miller: Kerry a Threat to National Security

Sen. Zell Miller, a democrat, blasts fellow Sen. John Kerry on Sean Hannity's radio show:

In the most scathing attack yet against Sen. John Kerry delivered by one of his peers, Sen. Zell Miller warned yesterday that the likely Democratic presidential nominee would be a threat to U.S. national security if elected.

Reacting to claims by Kerry ally Sen. Ted Kennedy that "Saddam's torture chambers have reopened under U.S. management," Miller told radio host Sean Hannity:

"Those twin senators from Massachusetts are the co-chairmen of the Handwringers of America - the HWA. And they continued to bash this country.

"Both of them," Miller said, "voted against every major weapons system that won the Cold War. And Senator Kerry has made it very clear that his national security policy is to vacillate and retreat and hand over the leadership to the United Nations."

The Georgia Democrat warned that the prospect of Kerry's election posed such a serious threat to U.S. national security that it could ultimately cost the U.S. its freedom.

"Here's a man who says he's against outsourcing, and yet he wants to outsource our foreign policy - that's the most dangerous outsourcing of all," Miller charged.

He then added, "This man wants to be the leader of the Free World? Free for how long?"

OUCH!!! Hehe...

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