Friday, August 27, 2004

Ellen Tordesillas nails it

Key point from her must read article:
DURING the election campaign, just more than three months ago, President Arroyo was boasting about the great things that she has done during her three years of an unelected presidency.

Now, after getting a six-year term albeit under questionable circumstances, she says that the country is in "the midst of a fiscal crisis" and she is calling on the people to sacrifice. It's adding insult to injury.

She has a lot to do with the fiscal crisis that we are in with her mismanagement of the economy during her first three years in Malacañang by not practicing austerity because she was thinking of 2004.

Why did her administration go on a borrowing spree knowing fully well that it would compound our debt burden? We know, of course, that it was all to keep the illusion that everything was fine with her in Malacañang which was their campaign line.

Malacañang flooded the country with money with all the propaganda materials for Arroyo's election. We all know how the road users tax and the agricultural fund were diverted to her campaign. We all saw how money from Pagcor and the PCSO were used to finance Arroyo's continued stay in Malacañang.

Now, she is asking the people to sacrifice.

She should direct the call to herself, to her officials, and to her friends. Not to the public, especially the masses, who have long been sacrificing.
Read the whole article.

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