Sunday, August 29, 2004

Similarities between Arroyo and Kerry

I see many similarities between GMA and John Kerry on the flip-flopping issue. And Arroyo and Kerry (along with Zapatero and Chirac) are more politically alike than Bush.

Arroyo pretended to be strong against terrorism to get US and the Filipino people's support, but showed her true colors after the 2004 election.

After getting the proclamation from congress, nag-iba na ang foreign policy niya... in the sense na it's more like zapatero's (troop withdrawal and appeasement) and chirac's (french oil interests with dictators and rouge countries must be protected).

Kerry is also pretending to be hawkish and strong on defense (but continues to give evasive and conflicting statements) because he knows his previous liberal pacifist stance will not get him elected in November.

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