Thursday, September 16, 2004

Who says working for the Government does not pay?

Read this.

Honeygirl Singson and Sergio Apostol

And I see among the top ten highest paid official in government is Livia "Honeygirl" Singson De Leon (Jueteng Lord Chavit Singson's sister) of PCSO, who ranks #1 on the list with P9.855 million in salaries and benefits. Yan ang kabayaran ni GMA kay Chavit for helping her oust Erap Estrada.

I also see former Tongressman and now Chairman Sergio Apostol (one of Estrada's impeachment prosecutors) of PNOC on the list rin as the number one moneymaking appointee on the government-owned and controlled corporations (GOCCs) and government financial institutions (GFIs) with P9.2 million.

Coronel Thelmo Cunanan (PDI columnist and pro-GMA hack Bel Cunanan's husband) made it too. What a lucky guy!

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