Saturday, October 16, 2004

Gloria asks for another 100-day Honeymoon period?!?!

Is she for real?

Gloria Arroyo and her aides do live in fantasy land. Either that or they must think Filipinos were born yesterday.

In a speech read for her by her mouthpiece, spokesman Ignacio Bunye, during the National Press Club's Gridiron night where she was a no-show, Gloria asked the press to be more “generous” as she claims she was not yet given the 100-day honeymoon period, because she “has yet to find her sea legs” and for the press to make her six-year presidency a “wait and see period until clarity is achieved in public policy.”

Christ almighty! Gloria has been in the Philippine ship for at least four years, and she claims she has yet to find her sea legs? And then she pleads to the press to treat her six-year presidency as a “wait and see period” until her public policies achieve clarity?

And this one is so true:

Crisis after crisis has marked her government, which crises are really the consequences of her actions. If we have a debt problem today, it is because of her borrowing binge. If we have a fiscal crisis today that is leading the country into an economic meltdown, it is because of her fiscal mismanagement. If we have today so much corruption in the military and the police that is being engaged in by the brass, it is because she tolerates this corruption by her military and police generals, as she fears being ousted and buys the brass' loyalty by allowing them to raid public funds.

Ironically, these same generals who are now suspected by the public to have made a huge pile of money through corrupt practices, were the very ones who had the chutzpah to topple the constitutional President, Joseph Estrada, claiming that the military couldn't serve a president and Commander-in-Chief whom they alleged was corrupt — and only on the basis of mere allegations which they, in collusion with greedy Gloria, her evil civil society, the amoral Catholic bishops and a demonstrably corrupt provincial governor, fabricated to ease out Estrada from his rightful seat.

Unless the original sin of Edsa II is put to right, there can be no hope for this country and its institutions. And as long as Gloria Arroyo stays in that office which she had stolen twice over with the help of her corrupt generals, there can never be reforms in this country.

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