Monday, October 04, 2004

Here's one of Arroyo's so-called "achievements"

From Rudy Romero:

One of the dubious economic-type distinctions that has been achieved by economist Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo is the surpassing, for the first time in this country's history, of the gross domestic product by the national debt. The national debt (actual plus contingent debts) has reached P4.63 trillion; gross national product at end-2004 has been placed at P4.62 trillion.

All because Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, wanting to win at all cost in 2004 after having usurped Joseph Estrada's term, refused to take the hard-nosed, unpopulist decisions needed to keep the government's finances in sound condition.
I view as nonsense all the talk about this country's facing an Argentine-type crisis two or three years down the road if GMA does not take the needed tough policy decisions in the fiscal sphere.

It is not just a crisis the people of this country should be talking about; it is a crunch. And the crunch is already here; the debt numbers are already in the books. Forget Argentina; think of today.
And if things remain the way they are, here's Rudy's prediction:

GMA is caught in one hell of a fiscal vise. Short of a 180-degree turn in her approach to her job — something which is extremely unlikely, as indicated by her recent nannies-to-China and Revilla-to-PEA actions, I don't see how the Arroyo presidency can survive. Next year, when all the fiscal bricks start falling off the wall, will very likely see the denouement of the entire Arroyo drama.

And all because the little woman wanted to win the 2004 elections at all cost.
I hope GMA doesn't drag us all down with her. Maawa ka naman sa amin, ate Glo.

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