Thursday, October 28, 2004

Intimidation tactics by the Military

"Nagpaparinig" na rin sila sa mga Civilian officials natin:

WHAT'S this declaration by the Armed Forces of a nationwide red alert? An early Halloween trick or treat?

The justification, that it is meant to get the soldiers up on their toes for attacks by the New People's Army, doesn't wash. NPA spokesman Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal is indeed talking about stepped-up attacks on government forces and installations. But this is nothing new. Ka Roger has been saying the same thing every time a news organization gets in touch with him via cellphone. Giving the impression that the NPA is on the offensive and that the government is on the retreat, after all, summarizes Ka Roger's job description.

Does the military seriously want us to believe that every time Ka Roger says "Boo!" the soldiers hunker down in their camps, outposts and fox holes to repel pre-announced attacks?

The military establishment is being shaken to its foundation by the corruption scandal at the highest level. The red alert is a not so-subtle warning the ongoing investigations had better stick to their narrow course or else...

The goose of Maj. Gen. Carlos Garcia, the former comptroller who allegedly amassed around P200 million from kickbacks and commissions, is cooked. The evidence against is airtight. He is on his way to becoming a guest of the state - free board and lodging - for the rest of his life.

What concerns the public now is whether the investigation of corruption would stop at Garcia. As Garcia himself testified before a House hearing, every action he made had the approval of his superiors. He could not have stolen a fortune all by his lonesome.

The brass are circling the wagons. No question about it. At the moment they are firing over the heads of the hostiles.

Would they dare shift their aim and open with lethal fire? We don't know and, frankly, we believe the time has passed when the political leadership and the citizenry should not be intimidated by the threat of a coup d'etat.

There's no difference between a coup and succumbing to the threat of a coup. The first means death by musketry; the second is death by strangulation. It's the end of the Republic either way.

Let's see if our elected officials will allow themselves to be intimidated by the Military.

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