Thursday, October 21, 2004

Oh, another corrupt RP official exposed by US authorities

After General Garcia, meron na namang isa pang nahuli, thanks to info coming from US officials.

US blows lid on ex-PNP comptroller
PMA classmate was tapped by DOTC's Mendoza as usec

Employees at the Department of Transportation and Com-munication said yesterday that Undersecretary Cecilio Penilla, former PNP comptroller, is facing investigation by the Ombudsman on the strength of information on his alleged undeclared wealth provided by the United States.

Undersecretary Roberto CastaƱares said Secretary Leandro Mendoza is aware of the reports but does not want to comment on them in the meantime.

Penilla could not be reached for comment over his cellphone.

Assistant Ombudsman Ernesto Nocos said he would check Orlando Casimiro, deputy ombudsman for the military, and would issue a statement today.

According to the DOTC employees, Penilla was found by US authorities to be maintaining bank accounts in the United States and that he is holding a "green card."

The employees asked that they not be identified for fear of reprisal.

The allegations are similar to the complaint filed by the Ombudsman against Maj. Gen. Carlos Garcia also on the strength of information provided by US authorities.

Garcia allegedly maintains substantial bank deposits and owns several properties in the United States.
What's amazing about this was that 2 years ago, the GMA admin asked the US to dig some dirt on Ping Lacson's "Billions" and "hidden wealth" in America, pero kahit na anong pangungulit ang ginawa ng Arroyo admin, talagang walang mailabas ang US authorities kay Ping -- even when US-RP relations at that time were the best that it had been in a long time.

Malinis talaga si Lacson.

But now, the US officials are willingly providing critical info on corrupt military and police officials -- even if such info are not being actively sought by Arroyo officials.

Drip, drip, drip...

Will we hear more on other corrupt officials in the coming days ahead?

How long will it take before the US admin starts giving damaging info on Gloria and Mike Arroyo's "hidden wealth" in the US?

Hee hee... pati si US ambassador Francis Ricciardone, nagpaparinig na rin.

US Ambassador Francis Ricciardone has expressed hope that the Philippines would reach a "tipping point" where corruption is no longer accepted as a norm.

"I hope the Philippines is reaching a 'tipping point' where a culture of acceptance of corruption as inevitable, is changing. And we see a government from the top down and from the bottom up saying this is not acceptable. We will investigate. We will prosecute. Not only will we investigate. The investigations will at some point conclude, and they will result in a prosecution. And the prosecution will result in sentences and the sentences will be carried out," the US envoy said in an interview over ANC Tuesday afternoon.

Ricciardone said the investigation against Maj. Gen. Carlos Garcia is a "historic moment of opportunity" for the Philippines "to get things right and come out "all the stronger."

The ambassador said he was hopeful government would not be content with just conducting investigations.

"If indeed, as we believe is happening now, the government and all the institutions of democracy respond in the right way and vigorously press for the facts. And if those facts indicate that a prosecution is in order, then vigorously and swiftly prosecute so that this isn't swept under the rug or disappears, as so many of these cases might have done in the past," he said.

Ricciardone said while he has faith in Filipinos and the institutions of Philippine democracy, the people must make a choice whether to let up or pursue the issue to the end.

"Are you going to let this die after a week of headlines and hearing? Or are the justice department, the Ombudsman, the AFP, all the institutions of the executive branch, the Congress, the media - are you all going to press on this until you get to the bottom of it and you carry out and go as far as it goes, to expose the networks and bring the people to justice who allegedly have been stealing from the soldiers and the Filipino people? And I think you can. I have faith," Ricciardone said.
We'll see if your faith on GMA's ability to fight corruption is warranted.

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