Saturday, October 09, 2004

This can only happen under the Arroyo Admin...

From Lito Banayo:

Did you know that the GSIS once awarded the contract for computerizing its records to a company with minimal capitalization whose main office turned out to be an Internet café in Cagayan de Oro City? How a multi-billion government financial institution, the fiduciary of millions of civil servants hard-earned and forced savings, could possibly deal with a penny-ante company is one for Guinness and Ripley's combined.

It only turns out to be coincidence that the controlling stockholder of this internet café cum software developer kuno, is surnamed Fiel. Winston Garcia's mother is likewise surnamed Fiel. But there is no relation, GSIS insiders tell me.

So if the botched-up computerization deal has messed up the lives of thousands upon thousands of GSIS members, blame it on Fiel and Fiel-Garcia. One apparently pretended to be an expert on computer systems. The other pretends he is God's gift to the science of management.

I'm still waiting for COMELEC Chairman Ben Abalos' resignation.

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