Thursday, October 07, 2004

We are living in Gloria's Fantasy World

And we better wake up before it's too late.

We should be more skeptical of everything coming from Malacanang and their Ministry of Propaganda from now on instead of swallowing their spin and lies hook, line and sinker.

Read this from Ike Seneres. Read it all:

Gloria Fantasia

After giving up on the fantasy of her forever convincing the oil companies to keep rolling back their prices in order to win brownie points while they lose money, Gloria has found two new fantasies: one is her being able to prevent labor strikes on the force of a written agreement, and the other is her fantasy of feeding the great masses of our hungry people with food coupons, as if putting up a national welfare program overnight can be done with the click of two fingers. But there's one more: Gloria has this fantasy of her completely eradicating smuggling within two months, even when other Presidents failed at this, including her father, the poor man from Lubao who became the rich man from Forbes.


Gloria also fantasized about quickly pulverizing the Abu Sayyaf before, but to date, her ragtag army hasn't been able to do so. Perhaps it is time for Gloria to have a reality check, as her pledges are meaningless - including feeding the hungry millions, when she failed to honor the agreement to feed her hungry soldiers in Mindanao who defend her “strong republic.” Does she realize that it is difficult enough for these soldiers to fight without ammunition, and harder still for them to go to the battlefield on empty stomachs?


There was too that fantasy of hers that she would get away with the claim of the “repentant” Oakwood mutineers of corruption in the military and the government being overstated. Divine justice comes along as a high ranking military general is suspended for unexplained wealth, after the accidental discovery of his wife and son trying on two separate occasions to bring in hundreds of thousands of dollars into the US - undeclared. Would Gloria now say this is an isolated incident? Will she order a massive investigation of corruption in the military, or will there again be a cover-up so as to retain the fantasy of corruption in the military being a “misconception” as the mutinous Oakwood officers claimed in their absolution of government?


Truth certainly has its own way of “setting itself free.” With Gloria thinking she could get away with the fantasy of the illegal numbers game being completely eradicated, there was Dagupan Archbishop Oscar Cruz, stating there are at least four top national officials involved in jueteng. Yet almost everyone knows jueteng is still around, as the Abu Sayyaf is still around. So why hasn't the Palace immediately reacted by ordering an investigation of this exposé? But Cruz should also name the bishops who have certified that there is no longer any jueteng in their areas. Funny, but while Cruz was making all the noise, Department of Interior and Local Government boss Angie Reyes and Philippine National Police Chief Edgardo Aglipay have kept mum. Will there be any cover-up?


Gloria appears to find it easy to promise anything, knowing she can easily renege on the pledges she makes. Still, if she really cares for the hungry millions, she should put her money where her mouth is, since she may just be provoking a revolution of rising expectations by simply suggesting her knee jerk announcement is doable. As of press time, however, no one in the administration could say where the funding for this ambitious project would come from, not even Agriculture Secretary Arthur Yap, whom I interviewed about this subject right after it was announced. Considering that Gloria has up to now refused to “sacrifice” her own discretionary funds, intelligence funds and social funds to help out in the “fiscal crisis” that she herself has announced, where in heaven's name is she going to get the money to fund her newly-found fantasy?


The government says workers can still petition the Regional Wage Boards for pay increases, even after they had forged an accord on workers not going on strike, on condition that their employers do not go into a retrenchment of workers program. Perhaps the government is now caught in its web of lies, or has it already forgotten that only a few weeks back, the Palace issued an appeal to these wage boards for them not to approve any pay hike petitions, citing the “fiscal crisis” as reason? Is this not a dirty trick on the part of the government, to make these workers believe these wage boards would favorably approve their petitions, despite the preemptive order of the Palace? Does this not also provoke a revolution of rising expectations?

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