Tuesday, October 05, 2004

We can't be reliable allies in the War on Terror if one of our Generals is caught doing this

From Malaya:

The Armed Forces leadership has suspended one of its ranking generals on charges that he accumulated unexplained wealth in the United States of at least $1.4 million (P79 million) when he was the military's chief comptroller.

Maj. Gen. Edilberto Adan, AFP deputy chief of staff and concurrent spokesman, told a briefing yesterday that Maj. Gen. Carlos Garcia, AFP deputy chief of staff for plans and programs (J5), was suspended Tuesday last week after receiving an order from the Ombudsman.

The case stemmed from reports that Garcia's 26-year-old son, Ian Carl, a student, was held by US Customs agents last Dec. 19 at a US airport for not declaring he was in possession of $100,000 or P5.6 million.

The US Customs seized the amount, prompting the Garcias to execute affidavits saying they had non-taxable sources of income to explain the cash in the son's possession.

The general's wife, Clarita, a citizen, said: "(Gen. Garcia) receives travel money and expenses in excess of thousand of dollars ... I often travel with my husband on business, and my travel and shopping in excess of $10,000-$20,000 is provided to me."

"My husband also receives cash for travel and expenses from businesses in Europe and Asia that are awarded contracts for military hardware. He also receives gifts and gratitude money from several Philippine companies that are awarded military contracts to build roads, bridges and military housing."

Mrs. Garcia's affidavit was among the documents the US government sent to local authorities last July.

The US Customs also said Mrs. Garcia brought into the United States $48,000 in May 2002, $100,000 in December 2003 and $204,230 in January 2004. Gen. Garcia brought in $15,000 in November 1993 and $10,400 in August 1995.

Ombudsman investigators placed the Garcias' cash and other property in the United States at $1.4 million, including a house in Ohio, a newly bought condo on 222 East 34th Ave. in New York and a unit at the Trump Park Avenue condominium at 502 Park Ave. in New York
Michelle Malkin comments:

The twist, according to a source in the Philippines, is that the suspended general isn't merely suspected of skimming money from his own people's taxes. He is reportedly suspected of abusing funds from a U.S. anti-terrorism aid package--that is, American taxpayer funding--which was aimed at bolstering the Philippine military's efforts to combat the Islamist insurgency. According to my source, General Garcia and his apparently Imelda Marcos-like wife may have spent the money on real estate in New York (including a unit at Trump Park Avenue Condo in NYC) and Westerville, Ohio. Will keep an eye on the story.

If they keep this up, the Philippines (a.k.a. The Islamic Protectorate of the Philippines) will soon overtake France as King of the Axis of Weasels.
If that part about him misusing US money for anti-terrorism is true, then talagang unreliable ang Arroyo administration contra terrorismo.

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