Friday, November 12, 2004

Arroyo's approval rating plunges further; 77% gives her a thumbs down

Will the bogus president survive her 6 year term in office? From the Tribune:

Gloria rating plunges anew; dumped by 77%

There is more bad news for President Arroyo.

Not only has her public approval ratings dived further with 77 percent saying they were dissatisfied with her; but 97 percent of the survey respondents believe that widespread corruption exists in the Arroyo government, with only 1 percent believing otherwise and 2 percent saying they do not know.

Also, there was registered in the survey results, 88 percent believing the reports of corruption engaged in by the top brass of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, along with 59 percent, a sizable majority, saying Mrs. Arroyo is doing nothing to stop the corruption in the AFP.

The survey was conducted among 500 respondents based in Metro Manila, or the National Capital Region, by the Center for Issues and Advocacy (CIA) and Data Advisors Inc.

With the latest survey results out from the same survey firm, Metro Manila respondents gave Mrs. Arroyo a minus 59 performance rating which CIA officers said is a drastic departure from the +8 percent net satisfaction rating the same survey group gave the President after her first 100 days in office.

A total of 500 respondents were interviewed from Oct. 26 to 29 by 10 enumerators using printed questionnaire in face-to-face interviews with adult and voting residents of Quezon City, Caloocan City, Makati City, Metro Manila, Pasay City and Pasig City which represent the north, east, south, west and the center of the metropolis.

The results validate an earlier survey conducted by Ibon, where the President's rating nosedived, showing 76 percent of Filipinos nationwide dumping her.

I hope she and Noli de Cashtro resigns na, for the good of the country and let the real winner take over.

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