Friday, June 24, 2005

Civil Society's blind loyalty gives Arroyo false hope

One of the main reasons why Gloria Macapagal Arroyo still doesn't want to face the truth re the GLORIAGATE tapes is because "Civil Society" continues to support this underserving, corrupt and incompetent impostor -- even though alam nilang ninakaw niya ang presidency at napaka-corrupt nito (pati na rin ang pamilya niya).

It's sad, kasi it gives Mrs. Arroyo "false hope" na she can weather this storm or ride this one out, like the way she used to do it in the past when her "civil society" allies would look the other way.

(GLORIAGATE also gives "civil society" a black eye because it shows that they are not really serious about corruption and having honest elections. Lumalabas na hypocrites lang sila.)

Somebody who's in touch with her needs to give Arroyo a wakeup call and tell her na IT'S ALL OVER NA, THE JIG IS UP, HULI KA NA.

But instead, all she's getting is bad advice from her "civil society" loyalists and GLORIAGATE advisers, which is doing her and the country a great disservice.

It's not helpful when NAMFREL's Bill Luz, a stauch pro-Arroyo ally, says that the 2004 presidential elections are "absolutely credible" because Arroyo can still delude herself into thinking na she's the "real" president and she can outlast GLORIAGATE.

And the longer she prolongs the inevitable, the more the Philippines will suffer because everything about this administration is fake, and nobody will take her seriously anymore.

Not even her so-called allies.

For the good of the country Mrs. Arroyo, PLEASE RESIGN.

To all the COMELEC commissioners, PLEASE RESIGN.

To the temporary caretaker (or "acting president"), please make all the necessary preparations for a new presidential elections after Arroyo steps down.


  1. It is the evil society, not the civil society.

  2. History will judge her much kinder if she resigns. If she does not, it will be very bad.
