Thursday, June 23, 2005

Conrado de Quiros on NAMFREL and "Civil Society"

He begins by taking apart Bill Luz:

THE FIRST fallacy is the one being peddled by Bill Luz. That's the one that says we should stop protesting President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo's rule because it's bad for business. It's scaring off the investors and doing the economy harm.

Well, it's not entirely a fallacy in one sense. It is bad for business -- of the kind Luz and his pal at the National Citizens' Movement for Free Elections (Namfrel), Jose Concepcion, represent. But that reflects more on what is good and bad for business than on what is good and bad for the nation. They are not the same, as we know very well from the record of business, like the US, supporting local SOBs simply because they are their SOBs. Lest we forget, business was the first to set itself squarely behind Ferdinand Marcos when he declared martial law. The only time they protested his iniquity was when it started victimizing them. When Marcos, not content with stealing from the people, began to steal from them.

Otherwise, it is a fallacy through and through, as shown by Luz's and Concepcion's ferocious thundering when it was Joseph Estrada, and not their protégé Gloria Arroyo, who was wreaking the iniquity. And Estrada's iniquity was confined only to stealing money, not to stealing votes. They never said then that protesting the occupation of Malacañang by a joker would scare off investors and would do the economy irreparable harm, they said the exact opposite. So why are they saying now that protesting the usurpation of the crown by a pretender would do exactly that?

Well, the answer to that lies in the conversation between Ms Arroyo and Virgilio Garcillano, specifically where Garcillano tells Ms Arroyo, who has received word the Commission on Elections and Namfrel counts do not jibe, not to worry, "Ok naman ang Namfrel sa atin. They are now sympathetic to us."

Before this business is over, Luz (and Concepcion) will have much to answer for.

Read the whole thing. In-expose talaga niya ang hypocrisy at pa-bulag-bulagan ng "civil society" at mga rabid Arroyo allies.

Related items:

- To the "GMA cheated, So What" crowd, mahiya naman kayo!

- NAMFREL Bobo at Walang Silbi

- Don't let her get away with it

- Arroyo's Other "Achievements"

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