Monday, June 27, 2005

GLORIAGATE news roundup June 27

Gloria's allies move to kill GLORIAGATE, Jueteng investigations.

THE insistence of Malacañang’s allies that it is high time for the Senate to terminate its inquiry into the jueteng payola scandal betrays President Arroyo’s fear that the investigation could turn up more witnesses who would link her to the jueteng payoffs, opposition Senators Sergio Osmeña III and Panfilo Lacson said yesterday.

Previous witnesses so far have linked her son, Pampanga Rep. Juan Miguel Arroyo and brother-in-law, Negros Occidental Rep. Jose Ignacio Arroyo to the payola scandal.

"They are trying to cut short the hearings so that the other witnesses would have no chance to come out. They are afraid of what surprise witnesses would reveal if they are allowed to testify," Osmeña said.

Opposition call for civil disobedience by not paying taxes if GMA doesn't budge.
SEN. Sergio Osmeña III yesterday joined calls for civil disobedience because of President Arroyo’s continued refusal to break her silence on the alleged rigging of the May 2004 presidential elections as contained in the "Hello Garci" recordings.

"As long as President Arroyo refuses to answer and explain the scandal, which is the worse since Marcos time, the appeal for civil disobedience has a good basis. I will support the campaign for civil disobedience," Osmeña said.

Sen. Panfilo Lacson said the civil disobedience campaign has effectively started through people’s use of snatches of the "Hello Garci" conversations as ring tones for their cell phone and distribution of copies of the wiretapped conversations allegedly between President Arroyo and Election Commissioner Virgilio Garcillano.

Lacson said: "Instead of confronting the issue and telling the truth, Malacañang chose to remain silent and threaten the people. So now we see everyone playing the ring tone and distributing the CD. That’s a clear sign of civil disobedience."

Read this editorial too from Malaya.

‘‘So to shove these scandals off the front pages, Gloria’s propagandists are now raising alarms over crude prices and the effects of the expanded VAT. They may yet succeed, but may just find themselves jumping from the frying pan into the fire.’

Read it all.

And Ducky Paredes on being a "destabilizer" for democracy.

Imagine that printing press employees "caught" in the act of printing posters that show Gloria for the ugly person that she is have been arrested for being "destabilizers!" Is there a law that forbids printing any sort of posters? In a society where there is supposed to be free speech and a free press, one can print anything.

Yup, and what's up with the Commission on Human Rights? Why are they so silent on this admin's violations?

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