Friday, June 17, 2005

Marami ang madadamay at masisira sa GLORIAGATE scandal

hindi lang ang presidente.

Off the top of my head, ito sila: NAMFREL, COMELEC, PET, the blatantly pro-Arroyo Mainstream Media, the pro-administration Conressmen and Senators who helped obstruct and stonewall any investigation (and prevent a recount of votes) on the massive election fraud that took place

I'm sure marami pa ang pwedeng idagdag diyan, pero later ko na lang siyang pag-iisipan.

Ang importante muna ay dapat lumabas ang katotohanan re Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and her people's role in stealing the 2004 presidential elections.

1 comment:

  1. either way, kawawa ang mamamayan.
    lalo na ang mahirap..

    kung totoo ang nang-yari, kawawang FPJ, napadali tuloy ang buhay.
    pretty scare, if you think, dahil kung nagawa nya ang "pagtawag" WHILE STILL IN POWER, that seems like martial law or a corrupt leader.
