Wednesday, June 15, 2005

My reply to Wretchard

Wretchard of the Belmont Club comments in his blog:

I'm not saying don't replace Gloria Macapagal. Do so by all means. But it won't make a difference.

Don't you realize you are just repeating the Malacanang Spokesperson's "talking points"?

And it is total horseshit to say that it's better to keep Gloria (even if she stole the last election and has no right calling herself president), because her replacements are "worse" or "just as bad" as her. Not only is that not true, but letting her stay and turning a blind eye to her corruption, incompetence and illegitimacy will only make matters worse.

If we don't correct this situation now by asking her to step down and call for a snap election, then these 2 worse-case scenarios will likely happen:

1) Military Junta with a Pervez Musharraf-like figure taking over our country.

2) Another Edsa replacing GMA with the last legitimate presdient we had, Joseph Estrada.

What's required is a two-point lift: the Philippines must reform the Armed Forces of the Philippines and replace the President. The existing Constitution, for all its defects, should remain intact.

Yes, but can we replace this president first? Or do we have to do it "simultaneously" like what you are suggesting? It's obvious that GMA is incapable of reforming the AFP since it was the military that helped install her to power in 2001.

And if I recall correctly, the military (and the police) under the previous administration wasn't as politicized or corrupt as the one under the Arroyo administration (because Estrada did not owe his presidency to the military, but via the ballot box).

Check Arroyo's cabinet and government appointments, there are many ex-military people holding top positions in government, probably rewarded for their role in Edsa Dos. Check out how this administration whitewashes the investigations against corrupt military officials like the ones involved in the Lamitan hostage situation (the Burnhams), or how they treat Gen. Carlos Garcia with kid-gloves.

In short, if you want to reform the military, the first move is to replace GLORIA MACAPAGAL ARROYO. Then elect a president without any legitimacy problems. I suggest electing Sen. Lacson, who has done a magnificent job reforming the Philippine National Police under the previous administration, to make changes in the AFP.

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