Friday, July 08, 2005

Civil Society's now trying to hijack the Oust Gloria movement

This must be what Ellen Tordesillas is referring to. Reactions in Pinoyexchange here.

Anyhoo... here's Ellen's article.

REALIZING that the downfall of Gloria Arroyo has be come inevitable, the conservative elite who had helped install her to an unelected presidency is now trying to hijack the intensifying Oust Gloria movement, which they tried to suppress barely a month ago.

There are reports that the conservative elite’s patron saint, Cory Aquino, will be issuing another statement after the 110-member Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines have given their piece this weekend on the crisis confronting the country amidst heightening calls for Arroyo to resign over allegations of rigging results of the 2004 elections gleaned from her wiretapped conversations with former Comelec Commissioner Virgilio Garcillano.

Do I have to spell it out? READ. THE. WHOLE. ARTICLE.

Pahabol. This too is worth noting:

But the most galling statement in defense of De Castro came from Senate Majority Leader Francis Pangilinan, also a member of the Wednesday group who said, "He is the constitutional successor whether we like it or not and if he is called upon to assume the Office of the President, we must as citizens allow him the chance to lead our nation by virtue of the Constitution."

This is Mr. Noted. This is the person, who is remembered by the Filipino nation who dismissed attempts by the opposition to find out the true will of the people during the 2004 congressional canvassing of the votes for presidential and vice-presidential candidates with his unforgettable "Noted."

Pangilinan has the temerity to talk about upholding the Constitution which he violated when allowed himself to be used as a tool in thwarting the will of the people expressed in the 2004 election.

These are the people, who after defending Arroyo’s brazen betrayal of public trust, now realize that she has become indefensible. They are now positioning to be the main beneficiary of her downfall. The gall!

1 comment:

  1. totoong totoo. what will happen if noli enters is that the face changes but the rotten system stays. no way!!!! the system must go.
