Sunday, July 10, 2005

Coup in the Philippines?

From Gateway Pundit (via Glenn Reynolds).

Comment lang ako. I've been blogging re Gloriagate for a few weeks now but I've never seriously discussed or thought about the possibility of a coup because:

a) the opposition from day one has never called for extra-constitutional means (people power, coup) to remove Gloria. All they ask of her is that she resign for the good of the country, then the "acting president" initiate an "election rerun" to elect Arroyo's replacement.

The only coup threats we're hearing are coming from Ramos' stalking horse, Fortunato Abat, to discredit the opposition's cause. But for some reason, I never took Abat seriously and because I think he's nuts.

(Ramos and Abat are good friends btw and we all know FVR is still pro-Arroyo.) ;)

b) A major chunk of Arroyo's civil society supporters have left her, so there's a good chance she will resign anytime now, or be impeached.

c) I don't think the Filipino people will tolerate it. (And the US won't like it either. ;) )

But these are just my opinions so I could be wrong...

1 comment:

  1. There is a virtual coup now by tabako and de v. Madam is a puppet now. Abat will probably quiet down.
