Thursday, July 07, 2005

De Quiros: Hearts and minds

THREE perceptions have emerged from informal talks among the bishops, says Deogracias Iñiguez, chair of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) communications commission. These are impeachment, if there is adequate evidence President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo has cheated, status quo or resignation. This will be the subject of talks when the bishops meet this weekend to elect a new set of officers to the powerful Church body. But though the bishops have different perceptions, I¤iguez says, they share the belief that the truth about the wiretapped tape "must be ferreted out in a legal forum."

Peachy Yamsuan, communication officer of the Archdiocese of Manila, echoes the thought. The bishops want to "set a moral tone to the controversy," she says. "It's not going to be easy. It's not going to be a cut-and-dried decision."

But why on earth, or heaven, shouldn't it be easy? Why shouldn't it be a cut-and-dried decision?

The bishops do not exist to decide on what's best for this country's political life, they exist to decide on what's best for this country's spiritual life. The bishops do not exist to decide on what's best for this country's body, they exist to decide what's best for this country's soul. What political order we should have after Ms Arroyo goes, we can all debate to our heart's content. What fate Ms Arroyo should have, we may not. The answer is cut and it is dried.

What more "adequate evidence" do you need that Ms Arroyo cheated in the elections? And what truth about the tape needs to be ferreted out in a legal forum? She confessed to the crime, for, well, Christ's sake. But not before lying some more to the public. Yes, I attribute that to her notwithstanding that it was Press Secretary Ignacio Bunye and Justice Secretary Raul Gonzalez who did the actual lying. If the President cannot take responsibility for what her press and justice secretaries say, she cannot take responsibility for anything.

So true. So true. Read the whole article.


- More on the disgraceful stand taken by the Ateneo Law School on GLORIAGATE

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