Friday, July 15, 2005

Even GMA's "friends" are taking advantage of her

Puro kabaligtaran ang ginagawa ni Arroyo:

PRESIDENT Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and the Pangalatok twins are getting confused. The people want Ms Arroyo to step down for cheating in the last elections, but the P-Twins, former President Fidel Ramos and Speaker Jose de Venecia, propose instead to change the Constitution and the system of government. The people ask Ms Arroyo to resign but she orders her whole Cabinet to resign instead. The people want Ms Arroyo to get out of MalacaƱang but she sends her husband and son out of the country instead. The people clamor for her to resign but she says instead, "I won't resign."

Word, Neal Cruz.

But I have to hand it to the P-Twins. They know how to take advantage of the present crisis. They were able to push what they had been unsuccessfully pushing for so long -- a shift to a parliamentary system -- in the guise of "saving" the country and giving Ms Arroyo "a graceful exit." In reality, they are only giving themselves a graceful entry to the seat of power.

Under the present presidential system, both of them are barred from MalacaƱang -- Ramos because the Constitution bans him from running for reelection, and De Venecia because he can never win in a presidential election. Their solution: Change the Constitution and shift to a parliamentary system. They're doing it in a hurry, too, before the people wake up and realize the sleight of hand they're doing.

Instead of a constitutional convention writing a new Charter, they want Congress to convene as a constituent assembly to amend the Constitution so that parliamentary elections can be held in March next year and new officials can take over in May, with the new prime minister most likely being none other than Ramos himself. That's only 10 months away. In 10 months, Ms Arroyo would be jobless.

Ms Arroyo thought the P-Twins saved her. Actually, like a condemned prisoner, she was given only a brief reprieve. Her execution has been set for May by the P-Twins. Poor Ms Arroyo, even her perceived "friends" are taking advantage of her.

With "friends" like those two, who needs enemies?

Read the whole article.

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