Tuesday, July 26, 2005

An expensive and costly strategy to divert people's attention from GLORIAGATE

Tataasan na naman ang buwis natin para maipatupad ang napaka-expensive na Grand Diversion scheme ni Arroyo/Ramos to distract people's attention from her stolen presidency.

Already, it is being admitted that we have a serious fiscal, economic and debt problem and yet here they are, talking about another expensive round of elections, a federal form that will definitely bring about more taxes, as there would have to be a state government and a federal government, both of which will have to survive on taxes. So where will they get the funds? And that's just a tiny fraction of the problem.

And in the meantime, as the new Charter is being drafted, what is expected to happen with Gloria still there in Malacañang? Will the problems suddenly evaporate? Will the protest and resign movements suddenly die? Will Congress continue to stonewall the many probes of the Gloria scandals?

Not so fast GMA. Think you and tabako can pull a fast on us with ConAss? Mmmmmhmmmmm... Mag-resign ka muna.

It's not even yours (of FVR's) to decide whether we should have Charter Change or not since hindi ka naman namin tunay na presidente eh. Let have new elections first shall we, and let the pro-Charter change candidates run on that platform.

Let's see kung kaya nilang manalo without Garcillano.

Anyway, na-discuss ko na rin ito dati at ito lang ang masasabi ko diyan.

As far as I'm concerned, removing the fake president is the number one priority. Any discussions on Charter Change should only be done after Arroyo leaves office and we have a new legit president, PERIOD.

(I may not be for changing the constitution myself, but even if I am -- would I trust this fake president Arroyo or Ramos and their allies to engineer the change? HELL NO!!!)

From Neal Cruz:

PRESIDENT Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and the Pangalatok twins are getting confused. The people want Ms Arroyo to step down for cheating in the last elections, but the P-Twins, former President Fidel Ramos and Speaker Jose de Venecia, propose instead to change the Constitution and the system of government. The people ask Ms Arroyo to resign but she orders her whole Cabinet to resign instead. The people want Ms Arroyo to get out of Malacañang but she sends her husband and son out of the country instead. The people clamor for her to resign but she says instead, "I won't resign."
But I have to hand it to the P-Twins. They know how to take advantage of the present crisis. They were able to push what they had been unsuccessfully pushing for so long -- a shift to a parliamentary system -- in the guise of "saving" the country and giving Ms Arroyo "a graceful exit." In reality, they are only giving themselves a graceful entry to the seat of power.

Under the present presidential system, both of them are barred from Malacañang -- Ramos because the Constitution bans him from running for reelection, and De Venecia because he can never win in a presidential election. Their solution: Change the Constitution and shift to a parliamentary system. They're doing it in a hurry, too, before the people wake up and realize the sleight of hand they're doing.

Instead of a constitutional convention writing a new Charter, they want Congress to convene as a constituent assembly to amend the Constitution so that parliamentary elections can be held in March next year and new officials can take over in May, with the new prime minister most likely being none other than Ramos himself. That's only 10 months away. In 10 months, Ms Arroyo would be jobless.

Ms Arroyo thought the P-Twins saved her. Actually, like a condemned prisoner, she was given only a brief reprieve. Her execution has been set for May by the P-Twins. Poor Ms Arroyo, even her perceived "friends" are taking advantage of her.

Basahin nyo siya lahat.

More here.

Just look at the Eastern European countries that operate under a parliamentary system whose people have moved, in people power fashion, to remove their leaders from office.

Besides, just who are likely to become our parliamentarians under a new Charter if not the same prostituted members of the new Congress.

Say a scandal has erupted and the government in power, in control of parliament, should theoretically be voted out on a no-confidence vote from the majority in parliament. Would this likely occur in the Philippine political context considering the fact that even as Gloria Arroyo is now mired in the biggest political scandal of having stolen the sovereign will of the Filipino people, just what are the administration congressmen — the future members of the new parliament — doing and saying? Are they even listening to their constituents?


1 comment:

  1. Let us see if they can pull it off. It simply is a ridiculous idea to have a charter change and a federal system.
