Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Fidel Ramos: The power behind Gloria Macapagal Arroyo

We need to expose Ramos and tell the truth re what he is doing behind the scenes manipulating GMA to buy her some time via his "Change the Constitution, not Arroyo" proposal.

The more Ramos is exposed as a power-grabbing manipulator that he is, the less effective he becomes.

And if you weaken FVR, you indirectly weaken GMA too and improve the possibility of Arroyo doing what is expected of her -- and that is to RESIGN.

Remember, you weaken FVR, you weaken GMA. If Ramos is gone, I don't think GMA will last much longer.

1 comment:

  1. there's no doubt about it!my hidden agenda sya..kapakanan nya lang gustong pairalin,hindi para sa sambayanang pilipino.God nakakatakot baka pati malacanang ibenta na rin nya..Fvr magbago ka na habang maaga pa...ias kang salot sa pilipinas
