Sunday, July 03, 2005

Filipinos don't buy Arroyo's fake apology

From Randy David:

Nothing perhaps insults the Filipino more than a pro-forma apology from the high and mighty who think it is beneath them to admit a mistake. Gloria had the rare opportunity to show humility and nobility by speaking from the heart, by admitting her weaknesses and lapses, and by offering to leave the presidency if that is what the nation wants. She wasted this by undermining her own act of contrition with self-serving words.

The other side of admission without accountability is penance by proxy. People who think they are obliged to show regret even if they are convinced they have committed nothing wrong also tend to take their penance lightly. They expect other people to do it for them. That is why Mike Arroyo has been sent on exile, while the queen remains in MalacaƱang.

WORD! Tama ka diyan professor David. Read the whole thing.

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