Saturday, July 09, 2005

GLORIA Resign news (7/9/05)

- Malaya on their frontpage has excellent coverage on what's happening right now on GLORIAGATE. Read all the articles.

- Lito Banayo on who are the potential replacements for Arroyo's new cabinet. Heh.

- JB Baylon asks: Is Big Business afraid of a Noli Presidency?

- the Malaya Editorial thinks it's all over now for Gloria

- BANSA WINAWASAK NI GLORIA, headline of Abante Tonite

- Ate Glo lumuha kay Salonga

- the PCIJ blog too has comprehensive coverage of the Gloria Scandal. Keep scrolling down.


  1. hey john,
    check out the resignation speech
    of GMA from tribune. it is a blast.

  2. It's now time for us to sit down and think things over. Is this really what we want for ourselves? For our family? For our country? If things would escalate and people will become violent? Are we ready to die for our country?

    I was one of those who came out during the Edsa 2. Now, I realized that I did wrong. Not that I did not believe that Estrada had done ill-doings, but because we did a short cut. Short cut in the sense that we did not follow the rule of law. And here we are again. Back to the streets.

    Is there a guarantee that once Gloria will be out, we will no longer go back to the streets? Is there are a guarantee that life would be better?

    History books are there for us to learn what had happened in the past, the mistakes of the past and for us to learn from it and hopefully not to repeat the same mistakes again.

    We committed mistakes during the Edsa 1 and Edsa 2. It's now time correct it by doing what is right. As civilized individuals, as educated individuals, it's high time for us to follow the rule of law. Uphold the rule of law. If we will not respect our laws, then we can no longer stop others if they violate our laws. How can we teach the children to follow our laws when we ourselves we cannot follow said law.

    I admire the efforts exerted by PCIJ to trying to find the truth...but is it really the truth?

    I hope each one of us will pause and meditate...And ask the Supreme Being, to guide us to the path that He had prepared for us.

    God Bless! Mabuhay ang Pilipino!

  3. I am not a psychic but I experienced having premonitions. Premonitions of the things to come. But what I am really scared now, is that I see chaos, violence in Manila. No more respect for laws, now more respect of authority. It's really dim. I am praying to the one Almighty that my premonitions will not come true. I see buildings exploding, people running.

    If you go to the provinces, it's really quiet. It's quietness made me feel that something eery will happen. There are areas that are suffering from drought especially those agricultural areas. So there will be less production of our staple food as well as vegetables. Poultries are shut down due to bird flu. Pigs were killed and condemned because of the Foot and Mouth Disease. So where are we going to get the food we need to eat. We have shortage of supply of fishes because of the illegal fishing done in the past, which had destroyed our reefs.
    If we will not work and go on with our lives, time will come, we will have a problem on shortage of food. Even if you have money, there is no more food to buy.

    If you really love this country, we will work together by doing our share. We may not like our president, but we will remove her in the way that we can uphold the rule of law.

  4. Lamentations Chapter 5 of the Bible

    Remember, O Lord, what has happened to us. Look at us, and see our disgrace. Our property is in the hands of strangers, foreigners are living in our homes. Our fathers have been killed by the enemy, and now our mothers are widows. We must pay for the water we drink, we must buy the wood we need for fuel. Driven hard like donkeys or camels, we are tired, but are not allowed to rest. Our ancestors sinned, but now they are gone, and we are suffering for their sins. We are ruled by men who are no better than slaves, and no one can save us from their power. Murderers roam through the countryside, we risk our lives when we look for food. Hunger has made us burn with fever, until our skin is as hot as an oven. Our leaders have been taken and hanged, our old men are shown no respect. Nothing is left of all we were proud of, we sinned, and now we are doomed.

    Bring us back to you, Lord! Bring us back! Restore our ancient glory.

  5. Reading a resignation speech of GMA, prepared by an individual for the heck of it, may be funny at one instance. But then, after days past, will it still be funny?

    Whats the problem with us, is that we do things without taking into consideration the consequences of our actions. Sometimes, we do things just to be on the headline. Either for publicity or for money. After the publicity will die down, after the money had been spent....what? "Wala lang" the usual answer. But will we continue to just say "Wala lang"; "Trabaho lang". But did it do good for our country? Wala din! It even destroyed the image of our country all the more.

    Another practice we Filipinos follow is that we blame others for our misfortunes...We blame the Spaniards, we blame the Japanese, we blame the Americans. We blame our president and all others whom we want to put the blame on...But did we blame ourselves for what had happened to our respective what had happened to our country?

    I'll aks you now..Do you keep all your garbage and throw it in the bins? Do you segregate your garbage? Do you pay your taxes? Do you cross only at pedestrian lanes? Do you study your lessons and not copy the answers of your classmate? Are you faithful to your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife? Did you return the ballpen you found in a pavement to its owner? Did you look for the owner of the One Cent you found on the table?

    I know not one of us will be perfect if we answer all those questions above. Once in our lives, we may have copied the answer of our classmates, or just took a glance on it to be sure we got the correct answer.

    If you feel you are righteous, that you have not cheated, that you have not sinned, then you have the right to ask the President to resign...But if you have sinned, you do not have the right to throw the first stone.

  6. Nowadays, the media does not care about our country...All they care about is getting biggest chunk in the market...Having the highest sales...But if the economy will collapsed....if the country will be destroyed...will still there be sales????? NONE....nobody will buy newspapers because all will be dead....nobody will watch tv because all infrastructures will be destroyed.....nobody will place ADS because no more business to talk about....IS THIS WANT YOU WANT???? Making our country LOOK BAD to all the people in the world....just because of SALES??? just because of MONEY???? Time will come your business will collapse...TIME will come that nobody will believe you....and the TIME IS ALMOST NEAR.....
