Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Good news for Lacson

- Metro folks favor Ping to take over. Pulse Asia says Gloria is least acceptable leader.

Ping Lacson would make a good Commander-in-Chief. He also criticized Gloria Macapagal Arroyo for being FVR and JDV's puppet and will deliver a preemptive SONA on friday.

- Hyatt 10 will support Impeach GMA move

- CBCP conspires with Arroyo to form so-called "Truth Commission". More like a "Kangaroo court", according to Napanice because Arroyo will handpick the members.

Conrado de Quiros has more on the "truth commission"

Like I said in response to the endorsement by election watchdog Namfrel's chairman, Jose Concepcion, of a Truth Commission, what is a Truth Commission supposed to ferret out? To repeat, I'm all for a Truth Commission myself if it will ferret out the truth about the extent of Namfrel's collusion with the Commission on Elections to defraud the voters. Or if it will investigate how Code-NGO, which also wants a Truth Commission, managed to corner the Peace Bonds worth P1.4 billion. Those are the only things left worth knowing. The truth about the "Hello, Garci" tapes Ms Arroyo has already yielded, albeit grudgingly: She confessed to it. We know it is she on the tapes. We know she talked to Garcillano during the counting. We know what they talked about. What else do we want from an "independent body"?


- Opposition at House endorses impeachment complaint. It will be filed during GMA's State of the Nation Address on July 25. The likelihood of impeachment is making some of Arroyo's allies in Congress very nervous.

- GMA cheated in Cebu with 460 K vote pad

The Cebu truth is out, with an erstwhile administration ally and member of President Arroyo's senatorial team in last year's elections yesterday spilling the election beans, finally confirming truth behind charges of massive election cheating as intimated in the Gloriagate tapes.

Former Sen. John Osmeña, in a press conference at the Westin Plaza yesterday categorically stated that Mrs. Arroyo had definitely cheated her way to the presidency — and not just in Mindanao but also in Cebu, where Malacañang bragged to have obtained about a million votes over her rival, opposition standard-bearer, the late Fernando Poe Jr.

Osmeña said Mrs. Arroyo mustered only 621,000 majority support from among Cebuanos yet padded 460,000 votes in the election returns to reflect a million votes from Cebu, Osmeña's home province.

“I would like to use this opportunity to state something that I have always thought about in the last year and a half, almost 14 months, and that is that President Arroyo lost the 2004 elections because in my opinion, the winner of that elections by about 700,000 votes was Fernando Poe Jr.,” Osmeña, appearing before Senate beat reporters for the first time since the polls.

The former senator who was consistently on top of the mock poll surveys prior to the elections said he is more than willing to attest to these facts if called to testify especially if the information in his possession is made part of the planned impeachment proceedings.

He pointed out that his revelations would further undermine the legitimacy of Mrs. Arroyo in obtaining her additional six-year mandate, since it came from him, a former member of the administration's senatorial slate.

More on the Cebu cheating from Malaya.

- Ellen Tordesillas on loyalty checking at the UNIFORS

- ‘Hello, Raul, you still there?’ Hehe. Sana wag munang tanggalin si aydol Raul. Comedy kasi eh everytime he opens his mouth.

More here.

- Nasaan ka Garci?

Sa Pilipinas lamang nangyayari na ang isang taong hinahanap ng buong sambayanan, maging ng mga nagmamasid sa buong daigdig, ay hindi makita-kita, higit sa isang buwan na.

Ito’y walang iba kundi si Virgilio Garcillano, dating Commissioner ng Comelec sa pagkakapaghirang ni Donya Gloria maski na siya’y pinagsabihan ng napakarami na itong si Garci ay may masamang record bilang regional director ng Comelec. Matapos sumulpot sa kanyang opisina noong Hunyo 8, at itinangging kanyang boses ang lumabas sa tapes na noon ay mismong si Press Secretary Toting Bunye ang nangangalandakan, biglang nawala itong si Garci.

Read the whole article.


  1. 36%, he needs to show more genuine love for the philippines. nakakatakot pa rin ang 36% lang ang naniniwala sa kanya. while the rest 73% do not.

    hopefully he could erase the ghoul of the allegations that was onced thrown on him.

  2. sory. wrong math. 64% pala don't like ping to lead philippines. which means only a minority of 36% find him the best man to lead Philippines.

  3. i don't agree with conclusion of above poster. 34% like him.
    of the remaining. some may not yet have any opinion. for sure some will not like him. just not clear how many. but to be leading is nothing to sneeze at. for instance, I am quite certain that a survey will show that .000001% is in favor of myself to lead the nation.

    gma was clearly wiretapping early on. their team was smart enough to do the preemptive Rosebud/Mawanay demolition job even before Lacson had even announced any presidential ambitions.
    Corpus all but admitted the $500 million accusation and bogus account numbers
    was a fishing expedition.
    He should have been cited for contempt of the Senate for making a mockery of the hearings by presenting fake evidence.

    in addition, the supreme court's actuation regarding the kuratong baleleng case is suspicious to say the least. (repeated raffling. etc.
    repeated revivals, very irregular)

    (supreme court, just send your contempt order to me. mr. anonymous)

    I have to hand it to the gma team.
    the mawanay/rosebud ploy etc had the desired effect.

    lacson's popularity took a real hit.

  4. Lacson may be the fair-haired boy of some columnists and the idol of many, but I think he has an image problem that, like Gloria's case, won't be solved by a makeover. He has no qualms about prying into other people's affairs, using government resources at that. His credibility is also suspect. He has yet to explain his foolhardy(deliberate) refusal to yield to FPJ despite his poor showing in the surveys before the election. Come to think of it, he has also a leadership problem. How come he had only one willing candidate for senator? I am not a fan of De Castro, but I believe that he is entitled to the benefit of the doubt. If he indeed cheated, let the votes be counted. Loren has already filed the proper complaint. The media should focus on this development in view of the obvious ploy of De Castro's lawyers to delay the proceedings.

  5. sigfredo,
    valid observations.
    let me try dissecting.

    1) image problem. see above. very
    effective if inept demolition job.
    it worked.

    2) prying. his job was to catch kidnappers. as for jose pidal, mahusay as far as i can tell was a disgruntled employee who volunteered his information. as for lta building shenanigans. apparently it got surveilled but at least, it seems to have been justified. there is no sign that illegal wiretapping means were used. political intelligence gathering is legitimate activity provided legal means are used.

    3) political moves during election. very hard to fathom.
    i always thought fpj + lacson was pretty near unbeatable.
    i can explain it as positioning for the next election.

    4) noli as president. okay with me only if he calls for early elections. 2007 comes to mind.

    Noli should be happy to be president even for a much shortened caretaker role. It would be a historically important healing period. In 2007 he can always take his chances in an election. (vs ping maybe)

  6. sory. wrong math. 64% pala don't like ping to lead philippines. which means only a minority of 36% find him the best man to lead Philippines.

    but that's because hati hati ang mga choices between Lacson, Noli, Estrada, Susan, Ramos, Arroyo, Davide and "undecided" eh.

    Heck Ramos got less than 25% of the vote and still won the presidency. Erap "only" got 40%, but still beat his nearest rival JDV by 6 million votes.

  7. Lest we degenerate into an I love Lacson-I hate Lacson debate,I'd like to point out that by arguing early on about who should succeed Gloria, we play right into the hands of the administration. We haven't come yet to the point that people are willing to support another revolutionary government. (Are they?) The exciting possibilities of a new order coming out of a post-Gloria scenario may be irresistible to some, including myself, but it would amount to extra-constitutional/legal actions which are extremely risky for a fragile democracy as ours. For one, a greater number of our people are not that enlightened. We need more Randy David and Conrado De Quiros. We need more of the PCIJ's initiative. Whatever happened to the Probe Team?

  8. Lest we degenerate into an I love Lacson-I hate Lacson debate,I'd like to point out that by arguing early on about who should succeed Gloria, we play right into the hands of the administration. We haven't come yet to the point that people are willing to support another revolutionary government. (Are they?) The exciting possibilities of a new order coming out of a post-Gloria scenario may be irresistible to some, including myself, but it would amount to extra-constitutional/legal actions which are extremely risky for a fragile democracy as ours.

    Since may dayaan, dapat may bagong presidential elections. recently nangyari ito sa ukraine. at yan ang solution in most countries na may massive fraud sa halalan.

    I think an election rerun is the only acceptable and fair way to resolve this issue once GMA is out.

    For one, a greater number of our people are not that enlightened. We need more Randy David and Conrado De Quiros. We need more of the PCIJ's initiative. Whatever happened to the Probe Team?

    conrad de quiros is for new elections.

    If it's true that President Arroyo cheated during the last election -- and I've always said that her ransacking of the public treasury to campaign patently constituted that, quite apart from the direct evidence offered by Ong's tape that she conspired with a Comelec official to doctor the results -- then the last presidential election may be deemed null and void. I do not know what the implications of that would be for the other officials, I leave that to the legal eagles. But there is more than enough reason to void the contest for president at least.

    And hold a snap election. De Castro may not automatically fill in Ms Arroyo's shoes because of one thing: This isn't just a case of the president being mentally (or morally) incapacitated and deemed unfit (though heaven knows it's that, too) which, as decreed by the Constitution, should have the vice president taking over. This is a case of someone being found out to have usurped the presidency. The position is vacant, and only the will of the people, as signified by the vote, can fill it.

    randy david is undecided on how to best replace arroyo after she is gone. basta ang alam kong position niya is that GMA needs to step down.

    PCIJ OTOH, is more about reporting and less about advocacy or opinions. yan ang napansin ko sa blog nila.

    as for the PROBE team, wasak na sila. they are a shell of their former selves... thanks to Mike ARroyo and efraim genuino. bernadette sembrano is gone to from gma7 at lumipat na sa abs-cbn.
