Friday, July 22, 2005

More on Dana Dillon's suggestions

Here's an update on the Dana Dillon proposal from Malaya.

I've already discussed his suggestions here. Read it if you wanna know why I'm upset.

Kasi if you read his article, it's clear that Dillon doesn't really give a shit if Gloria Macapagal Arroyo cheated or not. Ang imporante lang sa kanya ay yung interests ng U.S., ang War on Terror at ang China problem. He is also pushing for the Charter Change, which is a weird suggestion at this point in time, because guess what, YAN RIN ANG GUSTONG MANGYARI NILA FIDEL RAMOS AT GLORIA MACAPAGAL ARROYO.

But most Filipinos know that the "blame and change the constitution" strategy is just a ploy by FVR and GMA to distract attention from GLORIAGATE.

Mr. Dillon also wrote:

  • Statements from Washington should be measured expressions of support for the Philippine people, constitutional processes, and the rule of law and should avoid any appearance of partisanship;

  • If requested, assistance should be in the form of commissions or delegations of constitutional scholars, Philippine experts, and former U.S. lawmakers to assist with constitutional reform; and

  • If requested, and considered appropriate, financial assistance should be restricted to the administration of the convention.

Which made me laugh, because the best way for the US to lose credibility among Filipinos is to support Arroyo's and Fidel Ramos's Charter Change strategy.

Filipinos will rightly think that the U.S. gov't is tacitly supporting and giving legitimacy to the Arroyo gov't by embracing Arroyo's fake solution.

And the Arroyo administration will waste no time in reminding Filipinos that the Bush Admin's support for her (and Ramos') "amend the constitution" proposal is a sign that the US is strongly behind her administration.

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