Monday, July 18, 2005

"Patriots" raw ang "Hyatt 10"

I'm sorry kung late na ako dito, but I found this very interesting.

When the lead man of the US Embassy tells the whole world that the 10 Cabinet members led by no less than the Finance secretary - who walked out on GMA are “patriots” and not the “traitors” as a shocked MalacaƱang described them, what further evidence do you need that official Washington wants GMA out, and wants her out in a hurry?

Hmmm... I must have missed that part re a US Embassy official calling the "Hyatt 10" patriots, but here it is:

THE TOP US diplomat in the Philippines yesterday avoided any declaration of support for President Macapagal-Arroyo, and called "patriots" the key economic ministers who resigned from her Cabinet.

But US Embassy charge d'affaires Joseph Mussomeli also made it clear that the United States would "firmly oppose" any effort to unseat Ms Arroyo by extra-constitutional means, including by coup or by "People Power" protests.

"I know many of those Cabinet members who have resigned now and the ones that I know are all very decent and good people, patriots, who are concerned with the welfare of the Filipino people," Mussomeli said on ANC network.

He dismissed claims by some of Ms Arroyo allies that the resigned officials were "adventurists."

"Not the ones I know. No, I couldn't agree with that," Mussomeli said. "I know some of them very well. The ones I know, frankly, have accepted these posts as an act of patriotism. They could make a lot of money and have a lot more prestigious roles in the private sector but they have chosen to be in the Cabinet. "

Curiously, Mussomeli, whose government had hailed Ms Arroyo as a staunch ally in its fight against terror, evaded any direct answer when asked if he could categorically say that the Washington still supported the Arroyo administration.

Interesting, no?


  1. yup, the comment by Musselini was made on ANC during a live interview. to me, it did stick out like a sore thumb.

    during that marathon press conference from malacanang day after 'The longest Friday'. I kept waiting for one of the reporters to bring that up after the non-stop barrage of insults thrown at the 'hyatt 10'.

    Sayang. that could have halted them in their tracks. Knowing how hard to want to please Uncle Sam.
    especially now.

  2. what do they want now to happen? who is uncle sam for? who is better, american intelligence or chinese intelligence? the latter is supporting her.
