Saturday, July 23, 2005

Ping Lacson's TSONA

SEN. Panfilo Lacson yesterday delivered his "true" state of the nation address (TSONA) at the Manila Hotel which he said is in stark contrast to the "cosmetic" state of the nation address that will be delivered by President Arroyo on Monday.

"As we approach Monday, when she gives her annual state of the nation address before Congress in joint session, we find our nation in its moment of gravest crisis and our people in their moment of darkest faith and direst straits," he said.

Lacson said the state of public trust has deteriorated especially after Arroyo was caught lying, cheating and stealing, yet clings "with epoxy" to a presidency that is not hers.

He said she did not only steal the presidency and "personally supervised" the cheating, she also did it "with impunity and in a scale unprecedented in Philippine elections."

"Atras-abante, dagdag-dagdag, dagdag-bawas, bawas-bawas. You name it, she and her cohorts did it just to grab the presidency. From the premeditated and sinister appointment of ‘Garci’ Garcillano to the prostitution of Namfrel, the fingerprints of Mrs. Arroyo et al. are all over the place," he added.

Read the rest of the details here.

Of course, to blunt Ping's message, pinakawalan na naman ng admin ang bayarang attack dog nila vs. Ping.

1 comment:

  1. in fairness to lacson, rosebud has discredited herself through time. i do not think she is as effective as before. she does not carry the punch anymore. she has been exposed as a paid hack.
