Friday, July 22, 2005

Reckless stunt by Duterte, Singson et al

The gov't-approved secession will only spur the MILF and MNLF to ditch the peace process and go for real secession, since the duterte/chavit stunt "legitimizes" their previous secession demands.

Treason. According to the Hyatt 10 Cabinet members, one of the points that convinced them to resign was the strategy adopted in a Cabinet meeting that Duterte, Singson and other GMA allies go on TV to threaten seceding from the Republic of the Philippines and establish their own independent republics.

The threat of Mayor Duterte to secede has been reinforced in a presscon called by Governors Jose Zubiri of Bukidnon, Manny Piñol of North Cotabato and Miguel Rene Dominguez of Sarangani.

This treasonous act gives support to the stand of Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) and other Bangsa Moro groups who have long wanted to secede.

But Duterte, Piñol and company are not thinking right. Once they move to secede, the MILF and MNLF with a combined force of 15,000 armed components and 20,000 belonging to warlords and private armies can take over the whole of Mindanao. Without an AFP to defend it, Duterte's new republic will be overrun by Moslem forces.

The same goes for Chavit's Republic of Ilocandia. Joma Sison's NPA can easily conquer the small province of Ilocos Sur. They are all over the place already.

1 comment:

  1. what do you expect from clowns like duterte and chavit? they should be put in jail.
