Wednesday, July 06, 2005

The stonewalling and the lying started with Bunye

The stonewalling and coverup started back in June 6, when Bunye presented his "original" and "spliced" CD, and claimed that the opposition "manufactured" the tapes to make it appear that Gloria Macapagal Arroyo cheated in 2004.

Ito ang tunay na nangyari:

WAS it really only a month ago?

On June 6, Press Secretary Ignacio Bunye brandished two CD tapes which he said showed an opposition plot to make it appear that President Arroyo cheated her way to victory in the May 2004 elections.

One of the tapes (Tape A), Bunye said, recorded conversations between Arroyo and "a political leader." The opposition, he said, doctored the original tape to make it appear she was talking to somebody else and discussing schemes to pad her votes. Let’s call this "doctored" version Tape B.

Bunye turned over the two CDs to the NBI. A staffer of Rep. Iggy Arroyo later presented himself to the NBI to say the voice caught on Tape A with Arroyo’s appeared to be his.

Days later, Bunye somersaulted, saying he was no longer sure the voice on Tapes A and B was that of Arroyo’s. More, he said he could no longer affirm that Tape A was the original and that Tape B was the doctored version. His reason? Because the CDs were anonymously delivered at his house and not sourced from any credible person or agency as he had made it appear during his press conference at Malacañang.

Now it appears that, in fact, it is Tape B which is authentic. Tape A between Arroyo and the "political leader" clearly was the concoction.

As we said, that was exactly a month ago. Much water has passed under the bridge since. So why are we dredging up Bunye’s Tapes A and B?

Simple. To establish that from the very start the Palace was lying and was desperately seeking to cover-up Arroyo’s conversations with Election Commissioner Virgilio Garcillano. The Palace is still at it. Arroyo’s "admission and apology," for all the hype that accompanied it, was a lawyer’s brief that admits nothing and seeks forgiveness for everything.

The truth is still out there, waiting to be established although we have had enough glimpses of it to draw our personal conclusions. No thanks to the Arroyo’s continued stonewalling and obfuscation.

The election cheaters have not come forward to admit their crime. So what is there to forgive and forget? Does cheating in the presidential election now fall under the benign rubric of "lapse of judgment?"

The people, thanks to their innate collective wisdom, have seen through Arroyo’s lying and are of the belief, correctly if we may add, that Arroyo indeed cheated.

The question now is whether Arroyo would be allowed to stay.

Calls are mounting for her resignation. She is not budging. So where do the people go from here?

The Ateneo Law School dean said the people are correct in calling for her resignation. But in the end, he says, it’s Gloria’s call and if she says she is staying, then that’s it, the people have to support her. That’s the constitutional way.

The Jesuits must be slipping in their instructions on logic or on political dynamics. It is not that Gloria should be given a deadline for her to categorically stay she is resigning or not. She can say she is not resigning every day of the week, and the response can only be stepped-up calls for her resignation.

The people can paralyze the nation and lay siege to Malacañang in furtherance of their call for resignation. They can force Arroyo out of Malacañang.

And it is perfectly constitutional. Who says so? Why no less than the Davide Supreme Court in upholding the legitimacy of the Arroyo administration despite the fact that Estrada did not resign and was not impeached.

The Ateneo Law dean should be ashamed of himself for spewing that garbage. Kawawa naman ang mga estudyante sa Ateneo, they have idiots for law school deans.


  1. Propaganda chief Ignacio Bunye should be charge with obstruction of justice and cover-up conspiracy. What was his real intention for presenting two tapes to the media?

  2. "What was his real intention for presenting two tapes to the media?"

    To confuse the public, diego.
