Saturday, August 20, 2005

Criminals in Malacanang

From Ninez Cacho Olivarez:

It is mistake after mistake after mistake for Gloria and security aides as they scramble feverishly to abduct witnesses and confiscate evidence of Gloria's poll fraud.

Everything is coming apart for these cheats in their efforts to cover up the crime while committing more crimes.

Take the case of Bunye's doctored Hello Garci tape presented by MalacaƱang. That was a clear cover up job where the voice of poll official Virgilio Garcillano was overdubbed with the voice of one Edgar Ruado, claimed to be the political operator of Gloria. When this didn't fly with the public, more lies were resorted to. And what did the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) chief Reynaldo Wycoco do? Protected Gloria some more, by not categorically stating that the tapes were doctored, merely saying both tapes were edited.

Then take the case of Garci, the key witness and perpetrator of the 2004 poll cheating. So Gloria and her aides, such as Hermogenes Ebdane, the NBI chief, BI chief Alipio Fernandez, the ATO chief and the Foreign Affairs officials, along with her usual prostituted Isafp and police, kept him hidden from the public eye after the Hello Garci tapes went public, then quickly and covertly sneaked him out of the country, while denying any knowledge of his departure.

Yet everyone and his uncle know that Garci couldn't have sneaked out of the country and into Singapore and out, without orders from the top — which means Gloria Arroyo. There was no way for Garci to be able to leave the country that way without the assistance of MalacaƱang, its police and military agents, its DFA, BI and ATO officers, yet they all continue to deny their hand in the sneaky departure of Garcillano and even his wife and through a private Lear jet.

Did they in power and position, truly think that the Filipino people would believe their denials, especially as there was clear reluctance from them to even set the authorities to search for him and even feigned ignorance on the whereabouts of Garcillano?

After all, who benefits from Garci's disappearance if not Gloria Arroyo since it is she who was caught on tape talking to Garcillano and about the poll-rigging operations.

But even with Garci out of the country, there were just too many pieces of evidence of the poll fraud operations, along with many more witnesses, all of whom Gloria and her goons in the police and military, abducted and pressured to either recant or deny their participation in the poll fraud, or forced to keep silent.

And so they moved to again abduct yet another opposition witness and seized the poll documents he had with him for his analysis of fraud.

In the dead of the night, a team of police CIDG and Isafp agents swoops down on a rented house of witness and documents expert Segundo Tabayoyong, raids his rented home and seizes the election documents — and all without a search and seizure warrant — a clearly illegal and unconstitutional act.

Yet there was Angie Reyes, claiming the raid was legitimate as it was not a raid since the team acted on the complaint of the owner of the house and that the documents seized were not seized by the raiding team, as these were merely handed to them by the owner of the house.

The lies mount. Why would the owner call the NCR CIDG and the Isafp, when there is the San Mateo Rizal police that should have been tasked to do the job, assuming that she had complained? And who is this owner, who thinks that, owning the house that is being rented, has the right to have the house and room searched and even “hand over” documents that don't belong to her? What legal reason did the owner have to complain about the goings on in that rented home?

Or is Angie, known to lie through his teeth, now saying based on any flimsy telephone complaint on any suspicious activity in any home — including Angie's and without any investigation to the truth or falsity of the complaint as well as inquiring what “suspicious” activity was going on, the police and military would quickly respond, search and seize anything in that home as this is legal? Time to call the cops and military to search Angie's homes.

And what about all that crap about the military and the police remaining apolitical and neutral vis a vis the political crisis hounding Gloria?

Forget having a professional military and police. Forget an independent Congress. Forget the Supreme Court. Forget the Constitution and the rule of law. This country is run by criminals and their accomplices in all branches of government today.

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