Saturday, August 13, 2005

"It was her voice, but she was not the one speaking."

From George Aguilar of Sunstar:

First of all, the President, despite her false apology, never admitted that she was indeed the one who was caught on tape speaking to Garcilliano on tape. Also, the Garci issue was already on its way to being an old issue, people were already focusing on the impeachment technicalities. But the Defensor fiasco of a presscon back succeeded only in getting the people's attention back on the Garci tapes once more. The people are now more certain that it was indeed Arroyo who was captured on tape because Defensor, and Atty. Pedro Ferrer, Arroyo counsel, in a different interview, admitted that it was so. When the media men pressed him about this point Mike Defensor made one of the most incredible statements in the history of this country, that "It was her voice (GMA's) but she was not the one speaking". Not even the resource technical people said that. They said that they could not conclude, based on the tapes alone, that it was or was not the president on tape.

For Defensor it was her voice but it wasn't her. That's just like saying that my hands are the ones pressing the keypad on this computer but I'm not the one writing this piece. Poor Secretary Defensor, his ground shaking revelation turned out to be a dud. The press was apparently confused and irked by the Defensor report judging from the number of clarificatory questions raised.

The Philosophy Department of USLS, after hearing the statements of Defensor, immediately created a whole new school of logic named in his honor. The new logic goes like this, x = ~x. According to the Defensor school of logic something is what it is not. This computer is, but at the same time not a computer. It was her voice but it wasn't her talking. Maybe we should add that it wasn't Garci that the president was talking to because it was him.

Mike Defensor should have saved his money and not spend it on an analysis of the Atty. Allan Paguia tapes. Attorney Paguia already admitted that he edited it so that only the juicy parts of the original were there and he also gave annotations. Naturally the Paguia tapes were spliced and Paguia has already said so. Three thousand US dollars is big money especially if the one who threw it away is one who has to get by with only a government salary. All that Defensor was able to do was to put the government tin a bad light some more.


And it's nice to see some in the media becoming more skeptical of the Arroyo administration:

It was also good to see the press people attack Defensor during the same press con. Dean Jorge Bocobo, in an email to fellow Lasallians, said the government is raining money on media these days. The government is spending money left and right to get media on the president's side. Fortunately, there are still a number of journalists, based on their reaction to the Defensor press con, who remain to be independent. They are better than some local radio station people who were critical of the president just a few months ago and are now vicious attack dogs for MalacaƱang right now. Money can make some people do a Defensor.

Read this too.


  1. This is the most idiotic line I ever heard. This one is hard to top.

  2. sa totoo lang. never had i a good laugh over the political crisis hitting las islas filipinas since the last 2 months.

    mike defensor is a good joker!!!

    que bromista!!!
