Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Mrs. Arroyo, you have the right to remain silent...

From the Malaya Editorial:

By last week the more "accessible, open, caring and empathetic Gloria" was launched. We are supposed to see a "new" Gloria. What we are seeing is nothing of the sort. She is talking about everything that’s wrong with the political system and how this can be addressed by a shift to a parliamentary form of government but her alleged doctoring of the election results. She is, on the contrary, more determined than ever to hide the truth behind the "Hello Garci" tapes.

Extracting the truth from her is like pulling out an impacted molar. As earlier mentioned she talked but once on the "Hello Garci" tapes, and only vaguely at that. She admitted it was her voice on the taped conversations, but did not say which one, the "Gari" or the "Garci" tapes. She admitted talking to an election official, but as to exactly who with and under what circumstances she did not bother to explicate.

Now the "new" Gloria is telling us it was a mistake that she made the "I’m sorry" statement against the advice of her lawyers, and from that from here on she would stick to the narrow legalistic path.

Funny that on the way to openness and accessibility, Gloria is doing a 180 degree turn and retreating to her pre-June 27 position that her lips are sealed as per the advice of her lawyers.

Why is she then talking on every topic under the sun except on the allegations that strike at the heart of her presidency, that she stole the election? It’s all noise meant to distract attention from what the impeachment complaint in the House says are actions that are in culpable violation of the Constitution.

We never thought we’d see the day when the highest official mandated by the Constitution to carry out the laws would hide under the right to remain silent. But that’s Gloria for you, the least trusted political leader this country has ever had.

We see that Mike Arroyo is back home. He could provide a few tips to Gloria on how to invoke the right to remain silent with a straight face.


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