Thursday, August 18, 2005

Mukhang may sayad talaga ito, wawa naman...

Somebody from Mandaluyong Mental Hospital needs to check if there's a missing patient named Jonathan Tiongco.

THE "audio expert" who Environment Secretary Michael Defensor said had found that the "Hello Garci" tapes were spliced yesterday filed charges of conspiracy to commit sedition, insurrection and obstruction of justice against two senators, two congressmen, a former Cabinet secretary and two jueteng witnesses before the justice department.

The DOJ did not accept the complaint, saying it would refer Jonathan Tiongco’s complaint to the Manila Prosecutor’s Office.

In his five-page affidavit, Tiongco accused Senators Panfilo Lacson and Jinggoy Estrada, House minority leader Francis Escudero, Rep. Jesus Crispin Remulla, former Agrarian Reform Secretary Horacio "Boy" Morales, and jueteng witnesses Sandra Cam and Boy Mayor of conspiring to bring down the Arroyo adminsitration.

"I would have just kept quiet pero sobra na sila. After aiding Secretary Defensor to expose anomalies found in the Garci tapes, Sen. Lacson ungratefully made several libelous statements against me, like besmirching my family’s reputation by calling me ‘may sayad’ or retarded, and that I am a witness for sale," he said.

Tiongco said he had to break his silence on the "multi-faceted operations intended to unlawfully oust the President before the end of this year" after his father, a lawyer, suffered a stroke when he read Lacson’s statements in the papers.

Tiongco said he used to support President Joseph Estrada and Lacson. He said his association with Estrada started during the 1998 presidential campaign.

In 2002, he said that on Remulla’s orders he would help Lacson in "covert" operations against the Arroyo government. He did not elaborate.

In January 2004, he said Remulla called him up for another operation to help in the campaign of Lacson and Fernando Poe Jr. He said Remulla even endorsed him to Morales, then chief strategist of the Pwersa ng Masang Pilipino, who became his superior.

Before filing his complaint with the DOJ, Tiongco said in an interview that contrary to the claims of the St. Luke’s Hospital, Poe did not die of aneurism but was poisoned by some members of the opposition. -


  1. tama ka dyan

    baka magclassmate yan ng isang senadora.

  2. may sayad talaga.
