Thursday, August 25, 2005

PDI's Amando Doronila nomination to EU ambassadorship questioned

Isang thank-you reward itong EU appointment ng GMA Admin kay Doronila for his pro-Arroyo column in the PDI and his loyalty to the administration.

Here's the report:

Fitness of envoy-designate to EU questioned

NEWSPAPER columnist Amando Doronila’s nomination as ambassador to the Benelux countries and to the European Union met stiff opposition at the Commission on Appointments yesterday.

Senators Juan Ponce Enrile, Luisa Ejercito Estrada, Sergio Osmeña III and Rodolfo Biazon questioned the competence as well as the physical fitness of Doronila, 77.

Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago, chairwoman of the Commission on Appointments committee on foreign service, said she would ask Foreign Affairs Secretary Alberto Romulo to explain how career and non-career ambassadors are selected for particular postings.

"It used to be that it was left to the discretion of the President, but we want to know which embassies deserve a career officer or a non-career ambassador," she said.

Estrada said the foreign service should not be made a dumping ground for political appointees.

Osmeña said Doronila failed to answer basic questions such as level of trade between Europe and the Philippines and the number of overseas Filipino workers in the continent.

Enrile said Doronila does not seem to know what his job entails.

Biazon said Doronila is too old. The Foreign Service Act places the maximum age of an ambassador at 65.

Santiago said Doronila has suffered a stroke and is under medical observation.

Santiago said the bi-partisan objection to Doronila’s appointment has reduced his chances of confirmation.

"It will be difficult for him to be confirmed," she said. "Some members of the committee have serious doubts if he can carry out the functions of the position."

Enrile said he would invoke Section 20 if the committee would recommend Doronila’s confirmation without providing an explanation on the hierarchy of importance of embassies.

Invoking Section 20 automatically places a nominee’s confirmation on hold with the CA member invoking the privilege not having to explain his objection.

Enrile clarified that he has nothing personal against Doronila.

"He’s competent in the area of being a journalist. He can write but whether he’s competent as diplomat is something else. That’s why we have to know and be assured that he can represent us there and protect our interest," Enrile said.

Three nominees breezed through the process. They were former Albay Gov. Al Francis Bichara who is going to Lebanon, Ambassador to Vietnam Victoriano Lecaros who is moving to Malaysia and assistant secretary for Middle East and African Affairs Norberto Basilio who is going to Bangladesh.

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