Thursday, September 15, 2005

Does this remind you of Dana Dillon's proposal?

From the Malaya:

P50M Cha-cha deal with US law firm hit
Palace justifies lobbying


LEGISLATORS, including two administration senators, yesterday said President Arroyo’s clandestine hiring of a US law firm to help lobby for funding for charter change is deceitful and immoral given the government’s financial straits.

Administration Sen. Ramon "Bong" Revilla Jr. said foreign entities have no business meddling in the affairs of the country, especially with a sensitive issue such as charter change.

Ito naman ang sinabi ni Dana Dillon of the Heritage Foundation dati. His article was written before GMA delivered her SONA:

The good news is that the scandal has forced both the Philippine Congress and the President to begin the process of reforming the Philippine constitution. President Arroyo’s July 25 State of –the Nation address is expected to call for a constitutional convention. It’s about time. The post-Marcos constitution is overly detailed and includes numerous restrictions that retard economic development. Furthermore, it established an election process that created a disincentive for Senate lawmakers to participate in the legislative process.

Expectations are that the constitution will be modified through a convention or a constituent assembly. The President and the Senate are expected to favor a convention. The House wants a constituent assembly, mostly because it would be cheaper.

Whether Arroyo stays or goes, efforts to encourage economic development and fight the war on terrorism in the Philippines are weakening. The United States has long been devoted to promoting both of these agendas, but Filipinos will view any American involvement in the current political crisis as meddling. Therefore, U.S. efforts to help should advance the process without crossing the boundaries of Philippine sovereignty, responsibility, and leadership:

  • Statements from Washington should be measured expressions of support for the Philippine people, constitutional processes, and the rule of law and should avoid any appearance of partisanship;

  • If requested, assistance should be in the form of commissions or delegations of constitutional scholars, Philippine experts, and former U.S. lawmakers to assist with constitutional reform; and

  • If requested, and considered appropriate, financial assistance should be restricted to the administration of the convention.

Tama ang predictions ni Dana Dillon, ano?

Ito naman ang reaction ko after lumabas ang Dillon piece:

I'm telling the U.S. adminstration this early, you don't want to be seen siding with Ramos or Arroyo when she makes Charter Change one of her top priorities to divert people's attention from the Gloriagate scandal. I'm pretty sure the Bush administration doesn't want to be seen propping up a bogus administration over the Filipino people.

And it's interesting that two out the three suggestions on Mr. Dillon talking points involve "charter change" or funding for the Constitutional Convention. LOL. Man, how out of touch are you re the Philippine situation to insist on that as a priority. Please don't tell me you've been talking to Fidel Ramos lately, cuz yan ang sasabihin nya sa iyo. And of course the Arroyo administration will "request" for assistance on charter change. That's part of their plan to buy time. Hope the Bush admin doesn't mishandle the RP crisis by following Dillon's advice.

You want to take the side of the Filipino people? You want to express your support for them? Then tell the truth re Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and re the way she stole the 2004 presidential elections. Then call for new credible elections to replace Arroyo.

As far as I'm concerned, removing the fake president is the number one priority. Any discussions on Charter Change should only be done after Arroyo leaves office and we have a new legit president, PERIOD.

(I may not be for changing the constitution myself, but even if I am -- would I trust this fake president Arroyo or Ramos to engineer the change? HELL NO!!!)

More on the Dana Dillon article here.

1 comment:

  1. Dana Dillon's assessment then is way off the mark if their proposal is charter change. It does not solve anything.
