Thursday, September 08, 2005

My answer is ALL OF THE ABOVE

Enteng Romano asks:

Impeachment is dead. GMA and her cohorts just closed the remaining legal venue to get at the truth. But we will continue our fight.

I need your input to help us in planning our next moves. How do you think should we pursue this?

1) Appeal to Supreme Court (declare the Justice Committee Hearing as an irregular process or some technicality that will reverse the dismissal of the complaint)

2) People's Tribunal (a forum for Hyatt 10 and other key witnesses can testify)

3) Senate Inquiry (to hear out Hyatt 10 and other key witnesses)

4) Street action (that will hopefully lead to EDSA 3/4)

5) Prayer Rallies (ecumenical or inter-faith)

6) Call for Civil Disobedience

7) Other suggestions

Ka Enteng, the answer is "all of the above," although I'm pessimistic na we will get a fair decision from Arroyo's Supreme Court.

In the end, all of this will probably end up with option 4), unless maunahan tayo ng military sa pagpapatalsik kay arroyo.

Some ideas in the pipeline:

1) A documentary on the cover-up, and the cheating in locations mentioned in the Garci tapes. It's going to be called Fahrenheit 411 (a spoof of Fahrenheit 911)

2) Support the candlelighting activities of other groups

3) 1M Signature drive

4) Campus Tour

Please post your comments and preferred action (especially on set 1 above). Your inputs are important in shaping the next campaigns BnW wil undertake.

Thank you for your unrelenting support.

God bless and save our republic.


I like the idea of making a documentary re the GLORIAGATE scandal. If it's well made, baka pwede pang ma-invite yan sa mga film festivals abroad (and win prizes). Of course, kung nandiyan pa si Arroyo, she and her MTRCB will make it hard for the filmmakers to show their documentary sa mga movie theaters. Baka makasuhan pa sila ng sedition, heh heh...

But even if she is already gone from Malacanang before the documentary is completed, okay lang yan. kasi, in a post-Arroyo situation, we can still use the docu to inform and remind the public re how she stole the elections, obstructed justice and almost got away with it. (and win awards overseas too, if it's awesomely done. because we have the truth on our side.)


    invites you to another inter-faith gathering to give tribute to pro-impeachment Congressmen who stood for the truth.

    Please join us tonight sa isang
    Parangal sa mga Bayani ng Katotohanan
    Friday, 9 September 2005, 7:30pm, La Salle Greenhills.

    Ituloy ang Laban para sa Katotohanan!

    God bless,


  2. as for supreme court,
    i hope they don't opt for a cop-out
    and stay out because of separation of powers doctrine etc. but i hope their decisions points out the errors but still declare it water under the bridge.

    parang the senator villar was procedurally uncorrect but they didn't bother to redo it.

  3. as for fahrenheit 411. not a bad idea but the title was already used.
    it was a reply by the republicans to fahrenheit 911 debunking michael moore's errors and distortions.
    let's have a different title please. is the website of this film.
