Monday, September 12, 2005

A suggestion to Mrs. Imelda Marcos

From Feling:

I think it would be a greater service to the country, if the proper burial of Ferdinand Marcos were no longer made a political issue. Why not a private memorial park in Ilocos Norte, complete with a library & museum in the tradition of most U.S. presidents. It should be built out of private funds/secure so that nobody can desecrate his grave. In Ilocos Norte, Marcos would be among people who love him and never drove him away from their hearts. The library can contain copies of his books, all his correspondence and interactions with foreign leaders; his speech before the joint session of the U.S. Congress; his state visit during the Johnson administration, etc etc. In time, the truths about him can be appreciated and people will have a place to visit and pay tribute. Thos who hate him, don't have to go. The park and library can become a real visitors' attracction for Ilocos Norte and might even generate businesses for the tourists who would go there.

When he is interred at the memorial park, it can be better than a State Funeral. It would be a funeral by folks who truly want to honor him. Why in the world would Mrs. Marcos want as state funeral from a govt. that's responsible for ousting him; the leaders of which truly hate Marcos?

Ya, I don't know why Imelda is pushing this issue of a "hero's burial" at the Libingan ng mga Bayani either. It's a divisive issue talaga.

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