Monday, September 05, 2005


- Impeachment papatayin nina Larry Mendoza at Rey Berroya

- Ellen Tordesillas: Edsa 4 in the making

- De Quiros takes a shot at his alma mater.

- Ano? Ililipat ang Malacanang sa Cebu? O sa Subic?

- Malaya's editorial on Gloria Macapagal Arroyo's isolation

- Susan and Cory might be barred from attending the House hearing today?

Hours before the House of Representatives convenes for a plenary session today to hear the impeachment complaints against President Arroyo, MalacaƱang and its scare squad masquerading as the secretary to the Cabinet Ricardo Saludo and the administration mouthpiece Ignacio Bunye had raised the possible barring of Susan Roces and former President Corazon Aquino from the hearing and apparently threatened the two widows with arrest if they continue to call for the impeachment of the MalacaƱang tenant through unlawful activities.

- Palace unsure allies can hold the line

- Garci flew out in chartered jet owned by Gloria allies: Gilbert Remulla

THE lead chair of the five House committees investigating the "Hello Garci" recordings yesterday said he has confirmed that former election commissioner Virgilio Garcillano flew to Singapore on July 14 aboard a chartered flight of Subic International Air Charter Inc. (Subic Air), a company owned by allies of President Arroyo.

Rep. Gilbert Remulla (NP, Cavite) said this is a clear indication that the government helped Garcillano escaped.

"This cover-up of Garcillano’s departure only further solidifies the perception that there is truth to the conversations in the ‘Hello Garci’ recordings which are indicative of massive fraud and a host of other crimes (that) took place during the 2004 presidential elections," said Remulla, chair of the House committee on public information.

Remulla said his sources at the foreign service and official communication from the Embassy in Singapore both confirmed that Garcillano arrived in Singapore on Subic Air RP-C1426 from the Ninoy Aquino International Airport.

This is the same plane and flight that the Air Transportation Office and the Bureau of Immigration have repeatedly said did not have a record of any passenger, Remulla said.

Very damning I must say.

- Text campaign to convince solons to sign impeach rap. TXTPower also listed the members of Congress along with their cell phone numbers, where the public can send their text messages.

- Neal Cruz says that raising taxes now while oil prices are rising at unprecedented levels is nuts.

- Senators to unmask brains behind Tabayoyong raid.

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