Friday, September 09, 2005


Under a parliamentary system they wish to install through a constitutional change, its proponents argue that this is the best way to democratically change governments, since by a mere “no-confidence vote” by the ruling coalition, a change of government can be quickly effected.

This argument proved to be not only false, but a very weak one, as shown by the speedy death of the amended impeachment complaint at the House.

Theoretically, in a parliamentary system, a scandal that rocks a government is enough to vote out that government, but, as gleaned from recent experience by the ruling majority in the House, even the scandal of vote rigging that systematically robbed the sovereign Filipino people of their vote, where the current Constitution provides the removal of the highest official in the land through the process of impeachment, was not applied, because, as the House members claimed, this was a political matter, and numbers rule the game.

In a parliamentary system, it is also the numbers that rule. Would this system then guarantee a constitutional change of government under a “no-confidence” vote? But how can this be so when it is no secret that the same members of Congress today will be the same members of parliament should a change of systems be effected?

If these prostitutes who can be found in the biggest congressional whorehouse in the country today couldn't do right by their duty to the people and to the national interest while claiming victory through the numbers game, how can they be expected to do right by the people and the system under parliamentary rule?

It will still be money — and public funds at that — what will talk. It will be promises of the delivery of political largesse that will continue to blind them, while serving the interests of the leader, for her and her government to be booted out of office, legitimately.

It will in fact be even worse under a parliamentary system where the current political whores will rule, because it will be the entire Cabinet government, i.e., members of parliament, that will be changed, which makes it a certainty that no matter how many scandals of gigantic proportions rock the government under a parliamentary system, no matter how often public trust is betrayed, no matter how often the Filipino people will be robbed of their sovereign will, that Cabinet government will stay — and stay, and stay some more, as it will be as easy as buko pie to buy off the members of Congress.

Nothing but nothing shames these whores in Congress. One would have thought that, after having railroaded the presidential canvassing and proclamation, these same whores would have had at the very least, a pricked conscience for having ensured that an illegitimate President would continue her stay in MalacaƱang. It was a grievous sin committed against the people, but one that could have been rectified by the same Congress through the impeachment process. But no. The feat was reprised, and so shamelessly as these congressional prostitutes ensured the death of the process through claimed technicalities, even when it can be shown that the rules, as well as the law, were trampled upon.

But has their act served the national interest, protected the people and strengthened democracy? Has it even ushered in political and economic stability?

From Ninez Cacho Olivarez.

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