Thursday, October 06, 2005

"BUT who would you rather run this country?"

De Quiros:

"BUT who would you rather run this country?"

Someone asked me that question last week. The interesting thing about it is not that this was the first time I heard it-I've heard it countless times before. It is that a subtle difference in nuance had crept into its context. Before, when someone asked me that, there would still be some doubt about whether Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo cheated or not, or won the elections or not. The context of the question would be: OK, granting but not conceding that Ms Arroyo cheated in the elections, who do you put in her place?

Today, when that question is asked, the questioner has no doubt Ms Arroyo cheated in the elections. That in fact was completely explicitly acknowledged by the person who posed it to me: "Of course, we know she talked to Garci and they doctored the thing," he said. "But still who do we put in her place?" That person is by no means alone to accept the premise of cheating. He is the norm rather than the exception.

That is the most astonishing thing that has happened to us over the last few years. Like I said in several columns, the question is not, or no longer: Did Ms Arroyo win the election? The question is, or has become: What do we do with someone who did not win the elections but is already there? That is the clear, if unarticulated, question staring us in the face today.

That's what most pro-Arroyo types are saying, and I've met a lot of them on the Pinoyexchange forum. But these people are the same ones who, before the elections, admitted na okay lang raw sa kanila kung mandaya si Arroyo, as long as hindi maging presidente si FPJ.

I assume most of Conrad's friends are from "civil society", so understandable kung ganyan ang attitude ng marami sa kanila diyan. And I'm pretty certain na almost all of them voted for Arroyo in the last election.

But I also felt na most of them didn't mind if GMA cheated -- as long as she didn't get caught. Kaya nga halos kalahati ng mga "civil society" supporters niya ay kumalas na sa kanya... dahil nahuli na si Arroyo, and they couldn't ignore the evidence anymore, plus the fact that they have their reputations and credibility to protect (magmumukhang tanga sila if they continue attacking erap on corruption while remaining silent on GMA's GLORIAGATE/"obstruction of justice" scandal.)

Kaya nga 80% wanted her impeached eh.


  1. If 80% wanted her impeached, I would assume that after killing of the impeachment process, it should have been that that same percentage of people should have been very angy and should have gone to EDSA ang should have joined the rally to oust PGMA (2nd time)? But why didn't this happen?

    Were the surveys wrong?

    Did they (80%) accept the results of the impeachment process?

    Maybe the surveys were done long before watching the impeachment process...

    What? I don't know...

  2. If 80% wanted her impeached, I would assume that after killing of the impeachment process, it should have been that that same percentage of people should have been very angy and should have gone to EDSA ang should have joined the rally to oust PGMA (2nd time)?

    While 80% are for impeachment, 51% said they are in favor of People Power if the impeachment process was killed.

    But why didn't this happen? Were the surveys wrong?

    We're not sure, but a good indication that this administration is taking the people power threat seriously is the way they are acting... by imposing the unconstitutional "no permit, no rally" rule, by taking away mayor binay's right to give permits, by implementing the harsh CPR or "Calibrated Preemptive Response", by planning to put this country under a "state of emergency". Obviously, this admin is much better prepared to deal with another people power, using violent means if necessary.

    I expect the next "people power" to be more Tiananmen Square-ish and less Orange Revolution. In a way, she is more ruthless than Marcos or Erap when it comes to clinging to power.

    Besides, saying that "people power" did not happen because "filipinos would rather see her to stay" is like saying na since the impeachment complaint was dismissed by her allies, "this is proof of GMA innocence" in the GLORIAGATE electoral fraud scandal.

    Did they (80%) accept the results of the impeachment process?

    Maybe the surveys were done long before watching the impeachment process...

    What? I don't know...

    80% wanted her impeached, meaning they wanted it to go to trial kagaya nang nangyari kay Erap. But GMA was NEVER impeached because pinatay ng mga kaalyado ni Arroyo ang impeachment complaint, using their superior numbers.

    So you ask, did they accept the results? Do pigs fly?
